RAD Studio VCL Reference
This is type WebDisp.TActivateWebModuleEvent. 
TCanViewPageEvent is the type for event handlers that indicate whether the current user can view a specified Web page. 
TDispatchActionEvent is the type for event handlers that respond when an adapter action executes. 
TDispatchActionHandledEvent is the type for event handlers that can handle requests to execute an adapter action. 
TDispatchImageEvent is the type for event handlers that respond when an adapter action gets a request for an image field value. 
TDispatchImageHandledEvent is the type for event handlers that can handle requests for an image field value. 
TDispatchPageEvent is the type for event handlers that are called after a Web page module finishes handling an HTTP request. 
TDispatchPageHandledEvent is the type for event handlers that can handle HTTP request messages. 
TDispatchPageParamsHandledEvent is the type for event handlers that are called before a WebSnap application assembles a response message redirecting the caller to another Web page. 
TGetAdapterRequestParamsEvent is the type for event handlers that retrieve parameters for an adapter dispatcher. 
TLocateFileServiceFindFileEvent is the type for event handlers that locates a file on disk in a WebSnap application. 
TLocateFileServiceFindStreamEvent is the type for event handlers that provide access to a requested file. 
This is type WebDisp.TLoginPagedHandledEvent. 
TLoginRequiredEvent is the type for event handlers that indicate whether the current user must log in before accessing a specified Web page. 
TPageAccessDeniedEvent is the type for event handlers that respond when a page dispatcher determines that the current user can't access the current page. 
This is type WebDisp.TWebRequest. 
This is type WebDisp.TWebResponse. 
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