RAD Studio VCL Reference
DWORD is equivalent to LongWord. 
PByte is a pointer to a Byte variable. 
PDouble is a pointer to a Double variable. 
PInteger is a pointer to a Integer variable. 
PLongint is a pointer to a LongInt variable. 
PPoint is a pointer to a TPoint variable. 
PRect is a pointer to a TRect variable. 
PSize is a pointer to a TSize variable. 
This is type Types.PSmallInt. 
This is type Types.PSmallPoint. 
This is type Types.SIZE. 
This is type Types.tagPOINT. 
TBooleanDynArray defines an array of Boolean elements. 
This is type Types.TByteDynArray. 
TCardinalDynArray defines an array of Cardinal elements. 
TDoubleDynArray defines an array of Double elements. 
TInt64DynArray defines an array of Int64 elements. 
This is type Types.TIntegerDynArray. 
TLongWordDynArray defines an array of LongWord elements. 
TShortIntDynArray defines an array of ShortInt elements. 
TSingleDynArray defines an array of Single elements. 
TSize represents a width and height. 
TSmallIntDynArray defines an array of SmallInt elements. 
TStringDynArray defines an array of String elements. 
TValueRelationship defines value comparison possibilities. 
TWideStringDynArray defines an array of WideString elements. 
TWordDynArray defines an array of Word elements. 
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