RAD Studio VCL Reference
This is type ADODB._Command. 
This is type ADODB._Connection. 
This is type ADODB._Parameter. 
This is type ADODB._Recordset. 
This is type ADODB.Error. 
This is type ADODB.Errors. 
This is type ADODB.Parameters. 
This is type ADODB.Properties. 
This is type ADODB.Property_. 
This is type ADODB.PVariantList. 
This is type ADODB.TBeginTransCompleteEvent. 
This is type ADODB.TConnectErrorEvent. 
TCursorOptions indicates the functionality provided by a recordset. 
TDataType indicates the type of a parameter. 
This is type ADODB.TDisconnectEvent. 
This is type ADODB.TEndOfRecordsetEvent. 
This is type ADODB.TExecuteCompleteEvent. 
TExecuteOptions values specify the characteristics of an execution operation. 
This is type ADODB.TFetchProgressEvent. 
This is type ADODB.TFieldChangeCompleteEvent. 
This is type ADODB.TInfoMessageEvent. 
TObjectStates values indicate the current state of an ADO object. 
TParameterAttributes values indicate the types of values a parameter can accept. 
This is type ADODB.TPropList. 
This is type ADODB.TRecordChangeCompleteEvent. 
This is type ADODB.TRecordsetCreate. 
This is type ADODB.TRecordsetErrorEvent. 
This is type ADODB.TRecordsetEvent. 
This is type ADODB.TRecordsetReasonEvent. 
TRecordStatusSet values indicate the status of the current record relative to batch updates or other bulk operations. 
This is type ADODB.TVariantList. 
This is type ADODB.TWillChangeFieldEvent. 
This is type ADODB.TWillChangeRecordEvent. 
This is type ADODB.TWillConnectEvent. 
This is type ADODB.TWillExecuteEvent. 
This is type ADODB.TXactAttributes. 
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