RAD Studio VCL Reference
Structs, Records, Enums Enumerations
TAlign specifies the alignment of a control within its parent. 
TAnchorKind and TAnchors specify how a control is anchored to its parent. 
This is record Controls.TBalloonHintIcon. 
This is record Controls.TBalloonHintIconSize. 
This is record Controls.TBalloonHintStyle. 
TBevelCut specifies a bevel's cut. 
TBevelEdge is an enumerated type used to specify which edges of a window are beveled. 
TBevelKind specifies the kind of bevel that appears on a control. 
TDockOrientation specifies the orientation of controls in a docking zone. 
TDragKind indicates the type of operation that occurs when the user drags a control. 
TDragMessage indicates the type of drag operation executed by a control. 
TDragMode indicates how a control initiates drag operations. 
TDragState is used to specify how the mouse is moving in relation to a control. 
TImeMode represents the current mode of an Input Method Editor (IME). 
TMouseActivate defines values for the OnMouseActivate event. 
TMouseButton identifies a mouse button in a mouse-event handler. 
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