RAD Studio VCL Reference
TOleContainer Properties Public Properties
Public Properties
Indicates whether the Windows clipboard contains an OLE object that can be pasted into the OLE container. 
Indicates whether the OLE object is linked or embedded. 
Indicates whether the OLE object has been modified. 
Indicates whether the OLE object was created rather than pasted in or created as a link to a file. 
Lists the verbs that the OLE object supports. 
Specifies the class name of the OLE object. 
Represents the OLE object hosted by the OLE container. 
Provides access to the IOleObject interface for the OLE object. 
Specifies the index of the primary (default) verb for the OLE object. 
Specifies the name of the source document for a linked OLE object. 
Describes the state of the OLE object. 
Provides access to the IStorage interface for the OLE object. 
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