RAD Studio VCL Reference
TMenuItem Properties Published Properties
Published Properties
Designates the action associated with the menu item. 
Indicates whether the menu item's checked state toggles automatically when the item is clicked. 
Determines whether the accelerator keys for submenu items can be reset automatically. 
Determines whether redundant separator bars are automatically removed from the submenu. 
Designates a bitmap that is drawn for the menu item. 
Determines whether the menu item starts a new column in the menu. 
Specifies the text of the menu item. 
Specifies whether a check mark should appear beside the Caption
Specifies whether the menu item is invoked when the parent item is double clicked. 
Specifies whether the menu item is enabled. 
Identifies the logical group to which the menu item belongs. 
Specifies the help context ID associated with the menu item. 
Specifies the text string that can appear when the user moves the mouse pointer over a menu item. 
Indicates which image maintained by the parent menu appears next to the menu item. 
Specifies whether the menu item is mutually exclusive with other menu items in its group. 
Specifies the key combination users can type to quickly access the menu item. 
Lists the images that can appear beside individual items in a submenu of this menu item. 
Specifies whether the menu item appears in the menu. 
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