RAD Studio VCL Reference
TCustomActionBar Properties Public Properties
Public Properties
Specifies the action client associated with this action band. 
Lists the controls on the action band. 
Specifies the action manager component that is associated with the action band. 
Determines whether the action band can be hidden. 
Specifies whether the action band adjusts its size automatically to fit around its child controls. 
Represents the drawing surface of the action band. 
Specifies a text string that identifies the control to the user. 
Specifies the background color of the control. 
Indicates the colormap for individual action band components. 
Indicates whether items shown in this action band represent the items in a popup menu. 
Specifies whether the action band can be customized (used internally by the IDE). 
Specifies whether the action band is being customized or being used in the IDE. 
Controls the attributes of text written on or in the control. 
Specifies the width of the horizontal margins in pixels. 
Indicates whether a horizontal separator bar appears between item lines. 
Specifies how the action band lays out its child items. 
Specifies whether keyboard accelerator shortcuts are always displayed. 
Determines where the image and text appear on an action band's rendered control that represents the action client. 
Specifies the width of the vertical margins in pixels. 
Indicates whether a vertical separator bar should appear between item lines. 
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