RAD Studio VCL Reference
IDOMElement Methods Public Methods
Public Methods
This is get_tagName, a member of class IDOMElement. 
This is getAttribute, a member of class IDOMElement. 
This is getAttributeNode, a member of class IDOMElement. 
This is getAttributeNodeNS, a member of class IDOMElement. 
This is getAttributeNS, a member of class IDOMElement. 
This is getElementsByTagName, a member of class IDOMElement. 
This is getElementsByTagNameNS, a member of class IDOMElement. 
This is hasAttribute, a member of class IDOMElement. 
This is hasAttributeNS, a member of class IDOMElement. 
This is removeAttribute, a member of class IDOMElement. 
This is removeAttributeNode, a member of class IDOMElement. 
This is removeAttributeNS, a member of class IDOMElement. 
This is setAttribute, a member of class IDOMElement. 
This is setAttributeNode, a member of class IDOMElement. 
This is setAttributeNodeNS, a member of class IDOMElement. 
This is setAttributeNS, a member of class IDOMElement. 
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