RAD Studio VCL Reference
TJPEGImage Methods Protected Methods
Protected Methods
Copies the properties of an object to a destination object. 
Called when graphic has changed. 
Render graphic onto canvas at rectangle. 
Compare graphic to another TGraphic object and return true if objects contain same graphic. 
This is FreeBitmap, a member of class TJPEGImage. 
Indicates whether graphics object contains graphic. 
Get vertical size of graphic in pixels. 
Get color palette of graphical image. 
Get horizontal size of graphic in pixels. 
This is NewBitmap, a member of class TJPEGImage. 
This is NewImage, a member of class TJPEGImage. 
Read graphic data from TStream. 
This is ReadStream, a member of class TJPEGImage. 
Set vertical size of graphic in pixels. 
This is SetPalette, a member of class TJPEGImage. 
Set horizontal size of graphic in pixels. 
Write graphic data to TStream. 
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