RAD Studio VCL Reference
TDBLookupList Methods Protected Methods
Protected Methods
This is CanEdit, a member of class TDBLookupList. 
Indicates whether the grid should respond to a given key combination. 
Creates the window used to display the data-aware grid. 
Builds the Fields array from the Columns property and the data source. 
Indicates whether a specified cell should be highlighted when it is drawn. 
This is InitFields, a member of class TDBLookupList. 
Provides special processing when the user presses down on a key. 
Responds when the user presses a key. 
Recomputes the Columns property and the vertical scroll bar of the grid. 
This is ListClick, a member of class TDBLookupList. 
Sets up the Columns property once the data grid and all its child components are loaded. 
Provides special processing when the user clicks on the mouse. 
Provides special processing when the user moves the mouse. 
Provides special processing when the user releases the mouse button. 
Responds to notifications that components are about to be destroyed. 
Draws the image of the grid control on the screen. 
Updates the image of the grid to reflect a new record position. 
Sets the column widths and disables tabbing to cells that can't be edited. 
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