RAD Studio VCL Reference
TXMLNodeCollection Methods Protected Methods
Protected Methods
Adds a new repetition of the repeating child element to this node. 
Responds to notifications of changes in the list of child nodes. 
Removes all child nodes in the List property from the ChildNodes and List properties. 
Creates the object that implements the List property. 
Removes one of the repeating child nodes from this node. 
Returns the value of the Count property. 
Returns the value of the List property. 
Returns the interface for one of the repeating child nodes. 
Copies a child node from the ChildNodes property to the List property. 
Indicates whether a specified node represents the type of node that appears as a repeating child of this node. 
Removes one of the repeating child nodes from this node. 
Sets the value of the ChildNodes property. 
Updates the List property to reflect changes to the set of child nodes. 
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