RAD Studio VCL Reference
TCustomStringsValuesList Methods Protected Methods
Protected Methods
Returns the class of adapter field that is responsible for providing the value of the name/value pair. 
Returns the class of adapter field that is responsible for providing the name of the name/value pair. 
Implements IIteratorSupport's EndIterator method to support iterating over the records of the adapter. 
Responsible returning the name of the name/value pair. 
Looks up a name for a value. 
Responsible for returning the value of the name/value pair. 
Implements IteratorSupport's NextIteration method to support iterating over the records of the adapter. 
Clears the iteration index. 
Implements IIteratorSupport's StartIterator method to support iterating over the records of the adapter. 
Customizes the content of the strings list. 
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