RAD Studio VCL Reference
TBaseValuesListAdapter Methods Protected Methods
Protected Methods
Returns an image associated with the current name/value pair. 
Looks up an image for a value. 
Responsible returning the name of the name/value pair. 
Looks up a name for a value. 
Responsible for returning the value of the name/value pair. 
Returns the class of adapter field that is responsible for providing the value of the name/value pair. 
Returns the class of adapter field that is responsible for providing the name of the name/value pair. 
Returns the class type for this adapter field. 
Indicates whether a type of adapter field can be added to this adapter. 
Adds default field components to this adapter. 
Responsible returning an image associated with the current name/value pair. 
Looks up an image for a value. 
Responsible returning the name of the name/value pair. 
Looks up a name for a value. 
Responsible for returning the value of the name/value pair. 
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