RAD Studio VCL Reference
WideString Methods Public Methods
Public Methods
Returns the underlying BSTR that implements theSystem::WideString::WideString
Appends to the value of the System::WideString given a format string and its arguments. 
Appends the result of a given format string and its arguments to the end of the System::WideString
Appends the result of a given format string and its arguments to the end of the System::WideString
Returns a copy of theSystem::WideString::WideString
Converts a currency value to its string representation. 
Converts a currency value to its string representation using the indicated float format convention. 
Returns a pointer to the underlying string System::WideString::data. 
System::WideString::Deletes a substring from the System::WideString::WideString
Returns the string representation of a floating-point value. 
System::WideString::Formats a string assembled from an System::WideString, format, and a series of array arguments, args. 
Formats the floating-point value given by value using the format string given by format. 
System::WideString::Inserts a specified string into theSystem::WideString::WideString
Converts a number into a string containing the number's hexadecimal (base 16) representation. 
Returns true if the specified character matches any character in the delimiters string. 
Returns true if the System::WideString::WideString is empty. 
Returns true if the specified character is '\'. 
Returns a pointer to the last character in a string. 
Returns the index of the rightmost character that matches any character in the delimiters string. 
Returns the length of theSystem::WideString::WideString
Returns a lower-case version of System::WideString
Returns the index at which a specified substring begins. 
Sets the value of the System::WideString given a format string and its arguments. 
Changes the length of theSystem::WideString::WideString
Sets the value of the System::WideString given a format string and its arguments. 
Returns a string with the specified number of characters. 
Returns a specified substring of theSystem::WideString::WideString
Swap string pointers. 
Converts the string to a floating-point value. 
Converts a string to an integer, throwing an exception if the string is invalid. 
Converts the string to an integer, returning a default value if the string is invalid. 
Returns a new System::WideString without leading spaces, trailing spaces, or control characters. 
Returns a new System::WideString without leading spaces or control characters. 
Returns a new System::WideString without trailing spaces or control characters. 
Returns an upper-case version of this System::WideString
Sets the value of the System::WideString given a format string and its arguments. 
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