RAD Studio VCL Reference
TRibbonCustomControl Methods Public Methods
Public Methods
Calculates the size of the control. 
This is CanAddToQuickAccessToolbar, a member of class TRibbonCustomControl. 
Executes the control's function in response to a mouse click. 
This is GetContainedControl, a member of class TRibbonCustomControl. 
Returns current KeyTip for command. 
Indicates if command's KeyTip matches currently input KeyTip. 
Hide KeyTip for command. 
Handle clicking a KeyTip
Sets the Left, Top, Width, and Height properties all at once. 
This is SetContainedControl, a member of class TRibbonCustomControl. 
Sets KeyTip for command. 
Shows KeyTip for command in specified position. 
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