RAD Studio VCL Reference
TRemotableTypeRegistry Methods Public Methods
Public Methods
Indicates how to handle multiple references to the same object when converting a specified remotable class to its SOAP representation. 
This is the overview for the ClassToURI method overload. 
Returns the name of the XML element that corresponds to a property of a registered remotable class. 
Returns the name of the property on a remotable class that corresponds to a specified XML element. 
Returns the number of entries in the remotable type registry. 
This is the overview for the GetURIMap method overload. 
Returns the variant type that corresponds to a registered remotable type. 
Returns type name and namespace URI that correspond to a remotable class. 
Returns the namespace URI and type name for a registered type. 
Indicates whether a registered class represents a scalar type. 
Registers the correspondence between a property name on a remotable class and the corresponding element name in an XML schema. 
Registers a remotable type whose type information must be extracted from a holder class. 
This is the overview for the RegisterSerializeOptions method overload. 
Registers a remotable class. 
Registers a remotable type. 
This is the overview for the SerializeOptions method overload. 
Returns the type name and namespace URI registered with a remotable class or type. 
Unregisters a remotable class. 
Unregisters a remotable type. 
This is the overview for the URIToClass method overload. 
Returns the type information pointer for a registered remotable class or type. 
Returns the TypeInfo pointer for the type of a specified Variant's data. 
Returns the type information pointer associated with a specified type name. 
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