RAD Studio VCL Reference
TMemIniFile Methods Public Methods
Public Methods
Erases all data from the INI file in memory. 
Deletes a specified entry from the .ini file. 
Erases an entire section of the INI file. 
Populates a string list with INI file data. 
Reads all the key names from a specified section of an INI file into a string list. 
Reads the names of all sections in an INI file into a string list. 
Reads the values from all keys within a section of an INI file into a string list. 
Retrieves a string value from the INI file. 
Associates the TMemIniFile with a different INI file. 
Populates the memory buffer with contents of a string list. 
Flushes buffered INI file data to disk. 
Writes a string value to an INI file. 
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