RAD Studio VCL Reference
TGIFFrame Methods Strict protected Methods
Strict protected Methods
Copies the properties of an object to a destination object. 
This is ClearImage, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is Compress, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is Decompress, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is DoGetBitmap, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is DoGetDitherBitmap, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is DoSetBounds, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is FreeBitmap, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is FreeImage, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is FreeMask, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is GetActiveColorMap, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is GetBitmap, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is GetBitsPerPixel, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is GetBoundsRect, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is GetClientRect, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is GetColorResolution, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is GetEmpty, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is GetHasBitmap, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is GetInterlaced, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is GetPalette, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is GetPixel, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is GetScanline, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is GetVersion, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is HasMask, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is NeedImage, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is NewBitmap, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is NewImage, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is Prepare, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is SetBitmap, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is SetBoundsRect, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is SetHasBitmap, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is SetHeight, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is SetInterlaced, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is SetLeft, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is SetPalette, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is SetPixel, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is SetTop, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
This is SetWidth, a member of class TGIFFrame. 
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