RAD Studio VCL Reference
IDesigner60 Methods Public Methods
Public Methods
Activates the form designer's window. 
Indicates whether the user can paste the contents of the clipboard into the designer. 
This is the overview for the ChainCall method overload. 
Clears the contents of the selected component or components. 
Copies the selected component or components to the Windows clipboard 
Creates a specified component. 
Creates an instance of the component that is currently selected on the component palette. 
Creates an event handler. 
Copies the selected component or components to the Windows clipboard 
Deletes the selected component or components 
Displays the component editor for the specified component. 
Returns the value of the AncestorDesigner property. 
Returns the name of the registry key or file where the form designer saves option values. 
Returns the component with the name passed as a parameter. 
Returns the name of the component passed as its parameter. 
Executes a callback for every component that can be assigned a property of a specified type. 
Returns an interface for reading and writing option values. 
Returns the value of the IsDormant property. 
Returns the name of a specified event handler. 
Executes a callback for every method of a specified type. 
Returns the persistent object with the name passed as a parameter. 
Returns the name of the object passed as its parameter. 
Executes a callback for every object that can be assigned a property of a specified type. 
Returns the fully-qualified path name for the IDE's executable. 
Returns the private directory for the form designer. 
Executes a callback for every module being edited by the form designer. 
Returns the current entity being edited by the form designer. 
Returns the class name for the root component. 
Returns the size of the logical designer window. 
Fills a list with all selected components on the current root object. 
Returns the current state of the Shift, Alt, and Ctrl keys. 
Indicates whether a component does not appear directly in the form designer. 
Indicates whether a component is declared in a unit used by the current root object. 
Indicates whether the source file for the component being designed is read-only. 
Makes the unit for a component usable by the root unit. 
This is MethodExists, a member of class IDesigner60. 
This is MethodFromAncestor, a member of class IDesigner60. 
Passes a keystroke to a modal editor. 
Notifies property and component editors when a change is made to a component. 
Indicates the files associated with the current root object. 
Deselects all components in the form designer. 
Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the selected component or components. 
Renames an existing event handler. 
The designer is becoming active after having been dormant. 
Restores a specified property to its value before any edits were made. 
Replaces the current set of selected components by a single specified object. 
Selects the object that is the implementation of a specified property. 
Changes the currently selected set of components. 
Activates the code editor with the input cursor in a specified event handler. 
Generates a unique name from a specified base string. 
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