RAD Studio VCL Reference
TDdeClientConv Methods Protected Methods
Protected Methods
This is ChangeLink, a member of class TDdeClientConv. 
This is ClearItems, a member of class TDdeClientConv. 
This is Close, a member of class TDdeClientConv. 
This is CreateDdeConv, a member of class TDdeClientConv. 
Designates methods for storing an object's unpublished data on a stream such as a form file. 
This is GetCliItemByCtrl, a member of class TDdeClientConv. 
This is GetCliItemByName, a member of class TDdeClientConv. 
Initializes the component after the form file has been read into memory. 
Forwards notification messages to all owned components. 
This is OnAttach, a member of class TDdeClientConv. 
This is OnDetach, a member of class TDdeClientConv. 
This is OnSetItem, a member of class TDdeClientConv. 
This is Open, a member of class TDdeClientConv. 
This is ReadLinkInfo, a member of class TDdeClientConv. 
This is WriteLinkInfo, a member of class TDdeClientConv. 
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