RAD Studio VCL Reference
TGridDataLink Methods Protected Methods
Protected Methods
Informs the TCustomDBGrid of changes in the Active property. 
Reserved for future use. 
Informs TCustomDBGrid of changes to the dataset. 
Informs the TCustomDBGrid when the dataset has finished scrolling. 
Informs the TCustomDBGrid of changes in the editing state of the dataset. 
Displays the editor and gives focus to a field control in the TCustomDBGrid object. 
GetMappedIndex provides the index of a field component in the dataset that corresponds to an index within the field map. 
Reserved for future use. 
Informs the grid after the layout of the TCustomDBGrid has changed in a way that affects the representation of the dataset. 
Informs the grid of changes in the current record or field of the DataSource. 
Allows the grid to post changes to the dataset. 
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