RAD Studio VCL Reference
TCustomDBGrid Methods Protected Methods
Protected Methods
Calls BeginLayout if the table is not currently being reformatted. 
Starts the dragging of a column in the grid. 
Increments the LayoutLock property when the column bindings or fields in the dataset change. 
Increments the UpdateLock property when the data in the grid changes. 
Determines the appearance of the mouse cursor during resizing. 
Calculates the rectangular region that covers the cell indicated by the column and row parameters. 
Decrements the LayoutLock property. 
Indicates whether the Key parameter can be entered into the current cell. 
Indicates whether the current column of the grid can be edited. 
Indicates whether the inplace edit control can be created to allow editing. 
Generates an OnCellClick event. 
Validates whether the column currently selected for dragging can be dropped at the current location. 
Generates an OnColEnter event. 
Generates an OnColExit event. 
Returns the column object associated with nth parent field of the given column. 
Generates an OnColumnMoved event. 
Updates the column widths in the Columns property when the user resizes the columns. 
Creates the TDBGridColumns object that stores the column descriptors for the grid. 
Creates the data link that the grid uses to manage the connection to its data source. 
Creates the inplace editor that allows the cells of the grid to be edited. 
Creates the window used to display the data-aware grid. 
Converts a column index in the Columns property to the index of the corresponding column in the visual display. 
Decrements the LayoutLock property and posts a message to the grid to trigger a new layout sequence at a more appropriate time. 
Builds the Fields array from the Columns property and the data source. 
Defines a savable version of the Columns property when necessary. 
Performs tasks when the mouse wheel is rotated downward. 
Performs tasks when the mouse wheel is rotated upward. 
Draws the cell specified by the ACol and ARow parameters. 
Generates an OnDrawColumnCell event. 
Generates an OnDrawDataCell event. 
Generates an OnEditButtonClick event. 
Ends the dragging of a column in the grid. 
Decrements the LayoutLock property and recomputes the Columns property if LayoutLock reaches 0. 
Decrements the UpdateLock property. 
Returns the field component that represents the binding of a specified column. 
Limits the number of characters that can be typed into cells representing string fields. 
Returns the input mask associated with the field for the selected cell. 
Indicates whether a specified cell has an ellipsis button or drop-down arrow. 
Returns the value of the indicated cell formatted for editing. 
Returns the value of the indicated cell formatted for display. 
Indicates whether a specified cell should be highlighted when it is drawn. 
Invalidates the column titles so that they will be repainted. 
Provides special processing when the user presses down on a key. 
Responds when the user presses a key. 
Recomputes the Columns property. 
Recomputes the Columns property and the vertical scroll bar of the grid. 
Sets up the Columns property once the data grid and all its child components are loaded. 
Provides special processing when the user clicks on the mouse. 
Provides special processing when the user releases the mouse button. 
Responds to notifications that components are about to be destroyed. 
Converts the index of a column in the visual display to the corresponding index in the Columns property. 
Updates the image of the grid to reflect a new record position. 
Sets the column widths and disables tabbing to cells that can't be edited. 
Updates the edited version of the current cell's data. 
Indicates whether the columns of the grid are stored when the grid is saved, or whether they are generated dynamically. 
Moves the current record in response to the user dragging the mouse outside of the data cells. 
Generates an OnTitleClick event. 
Updates the position of the inplace editor when the grid scrolls. 
This is UpdateScrollBar, a member of class TCustomDBGrid. 
Indicates whether the alignment of a specified field should be changed from left-aligned to right-aligned. 
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