RAD Studio VCL Reference
TCustomDataSetAdapter Methods Public Methods
Public Methods
Sets the Mode property to reflect the value that the current request specifies. 
Writes name/value pairs that represent this adapter's state. 
Writes name/value pairs that represent a specified type of information. 
Reads name/value pairs from the current HTTP request. 
Reads name/value pairs that represent a specified type of information from the current HTTP request. 
Positions the associated dataset on the record identified by the LocateParamsList property. 
Positions the dataset and updates the resulting record based on the parameters of the current request. 
Raises an EAdapterFieldException with a message indicating that another user changed a field value. 
Raises an EAdapterException with a message indicating that a specified field could not be found. 
Raises an EAdapterException with a message indicating that the dataset is unassigned. 
Raises an EAdapterException with a message indicating that a dataset record could not be located based on the current set of key fields. 
Positions the associated dataset on a specified record. 
Converts a mode string to the corresponding TDataSetAdapterMode value. 
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