RAD Studio VCL Reference
TBaseDataSetAdapterField Methods Protected Methods
Protected Methods
Ensures that the current value of this field is the same as the original value. 
Indicates whether the current value of this field is the same as the original value. 
Indicates whether references to this field in HTML forms must be qualified with the name of the parent adapter. 
Returns the value of the Adapter property. 
Returns the dataset associated with this field's parent adapter. 
Returns the value of the associated dataset field. 
Returns a string value that suggests an HTML display style for this adapter field. 
Returns the HTML display style type for this adapter field. 
Returns a string value that suggests an HTML editing style for this adapter field. 
Returns the style of the HTML control to use for editing this adapter field. 
Returns the name of the associated dataset field if it appears in the index (key) that the parent dataset adapter uses. 
Returns a list of fields that the parent dataset adapter uses to locate records, along with their current values in that adapter's dataset. 
Indicates whether the adapter field represents a read-only database field. 
Returns a string value that indicates what function a control that represents this field should perform. 
Returns the view mode for the function a control that represents this field should perform. 
Provides the underlying implementation for the AsFormatted method. 
Provides the underlying implementation for the CheckOrigValue method. 
Provides the underlying implementation for the CheckValueChange method. 
Provides the underlying implementation for the GetDisplayLabel method. 
Provides the underlying implementation for the GetDisplayWidth method. 
Provides the underlying implementation for the GetRequired method. 
Provides the underlying implementation for the GetValue method. 
Provides the underlying implementation for the GetVisible method. 
Provides the underlying implementation for the SetFieldName method. 
Provides the underlying implementation for the UpdateValue method. 
Forwards notification messages to all owned components. 
Responds when the parent dataset adapter prepares its dataset. 
Sets the value of the DataSetField property. 
Updates the adapter field when the user assigns a new value. 
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