RAD Studio VCL Reference
TCustomListView Methods Protected Methods
Protected Methods
Responds when the action for which this list view is a client changes. 
Specifies whether the properties of a list item can be changed. 
Specifies whether the text of a list item can be changed by the user. 
Generates an OnChange event. 
Rescaling event dispatcher 
Column click event dispatcher. 
Column right-click event dispatcher. 
Indicates whether the ViewStyle property is vsReport. 
Creates a list item for the collection specified by the Items property. 
Creates the TListItems object that implements the Items property. 
Initializes the window-creation parameter record. 
Creates the window used by the list view. 
Custom draw event dispatcher. 
Custom draw item event dispatcher. 
Custom draw subitem event dispatcher. 
Removes an item from the list view and frees the associated memory. 
Destroys the window referenced by the list view's window handle. 
Drag end event dispatcher. 
InfoTip event dispatcher. 
Start drag event dispatcher.. 
Draw item event dispatcher. 
Edit event dispatcher. 
Returns the action link class that is associated with list view controls. 
This is the overview for the GetItemIndex method overload. 
Returns the value of the SelCount property. 
Generates an OnInsert event. 
Determines when custom draw event handlers are called. 
Initializes the control after it is loaded from a stream. 
Mouse button up event dispatcher. 
Responds to notifications that components are about to be created or destroyed. 
Customizes a list view item before it is displayed. 
Searches for an item in the list view control. 
Specifies a range of items that might be fetched. 
Specifies items that have changed states. 
Sets the value of the ItemIndex property. 
Sets the value of the MultiSelect property. 
Sets the value of the ViewStyle property. 
Individual column update event dispatcher. 
General column update event dispatcher. 
Updates all items under the specified group. 
Updates the items in all groups. 
Provides specific message responses for the list view. 
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