RAD Studio VCL Reference
TCustomActionControl Methods Protected Methods
Protected Methods
Begin Automatic Drag. 
This is CalcLayout, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
This is CMDesignHitTest, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
This is CMFontChanged, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
This is CMItemDropPoint, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
This is CMItemSelected, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
This is DoDragDrop, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
OnStartDrag event dispatcher. 
OnDragOver event dispatcher. 
Draws a background image on the control. 
This is DrawDesignFocus, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
This is DrawDragDropPoint, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
Draws a symbol on the control. 
This is DrawLargeGlyph, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
This is DrawSeparator, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
This is DrawShadowedText, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
Draws text on the control. 
This is the overview for the FindImageList method overload. 
Returns the value of the Action property. 
This is GetImageSize, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
This is GetSeparator, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
This is GetShowCaption, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
This is GetShowShortCut, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
This is HasGlyph, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
This is IsChecked, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
This is IsGrouped, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
Render control surface. 
This is PositionChanged, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
Instructs the parent of a control to reposition the control, enforcing its Align property. 
This is ResetUsageData, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
This is SetActionClient, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
This is SetDropPoint, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
This is SetGlyphLayout, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
This is SetSelected, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
This is UpdateSelection, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
This is UpdateTextBounds, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
This is WMSetText, a member of class TCustomActionControl. 
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