RAD Studio VCL Reference
TCustomizeFrm Fields Public Fields
Public Fields
ActionBarList is a component that is part of this form. 
ActionImages is a component that is part of this form. 
ActionList1 is a component that is part of this form. 
ActionsActionsLbl is a component that is part of this form. 
ActionsCatLbl is a component that is part of this form. 
ActionsList is a component that is part of this form. 
ActionsTab is a component that is part of this form. 
ApplyToAllActn is a component that is part of this form. 
ApplyToAllChk is a component that is part of this form. 
CaptionOptionsCombo is a component that is part of this form. 
CaptionOptionsGrp is a component that is part of this form. 
CatList is a component that is part of this form. 
CloseActn is a component that is part of this form. 
CloseBtn is a component that is part of this form. 
CloseItem is a component that is part of this form. 
CloseMenu is a component that is part of this form. 
ComboPanel is a component that is part of this form. 
DescGroupBox is a component that is part of this form. 
FullMenusActn is a component that is part of this form. 
HintLbl is a component that is part of this form. 
InfoLbl is a component that is part of this form. 
Label1 is a component that is part of this form. 
Label2 is a component that is part of this form. 
Label4 is a component that is part of this form. 
LargeIconsActn is a component that is part of this form. 
LargeIconsChk is a component that is part of this form. 
ListCombo is a component that is part of this form. 
ListPanel is a component that is part of this form. 
MenuAnimationStyles is a component that is part of this form. 
OptionsBevel1 is a component that is part of this form. 
OptionsBevel2 is a component that is part of this form. 
OptionsTab is a component that is part of this form. 
OtherLbl is a component that is part of this form. 
PersonalizeLbl is a component that is part of this form. 
RecentlyUsedActn is a component that is part of this form. 
RecentlyUsedChk is a component that is part of this form. 
ResetActn is a component that is part of this form. 
ResetBtn is a component that is part of this form. 
ResetUsageBtn is a component that is part of this form. 
ResetUsageDataActn is a component that is part of this form. 
SeparatorBtn is a component that is part of this form. 
ShortCutTipsChk is a component that is part of this form. 
ShowHintsActn is a component that is part of this form. 
ShowShortCutsInTipsActn is a component that is part of this form. 
ShowTipsChk is a component that is part of this form. 
Tabs is a component that is part of this form. 
ToolbarsLbl is a component that is part of this form. 
ToolbarsTab is a component that is part of this form. 
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