RAD Studio VCL Reference
IDOMDocumentType Members Public Properties
Public Properties
Represents the attributes of an element node. 
Represents the child nodes of the node. 
This is entities, a member of class IDOMDocumentType. 
Represents the first child node of this node. 
This is internalSubset, a member of class IDOMDocumentType. 
Represents the last child node of this node. 
Indicates the name of the node without any namespace prefix
This is name, a member of class IDOMDocumentType. 
Indicates the URI for the namespace used in the qualified node name. 
Represents the next child of this node's parent. 
Indicates the name of the node. 
Indicates the type of the node. 
Indicates the value of the node. 
This is notations, a member of class IDOMDocumentType. 
Represents the interface for the document that contains this node. 
Provides access to the interface of the node's parent node. 
Indicates the namespace prefix for the node. 
Represents the preceding child of this node's parent. 
This is publicId, a member of class IDOMDocumentType. 
This is systemId, a member of class IDOMDocumentType. 
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