RAD Studio VCL Reference
TDBLookupList Members Protected Properties
Protected Properties
Contains the action link object associated with the control. 
Specifies whether the control sizes itself automatically to accommodate its contents. 
Specifies which edges of the control are beveled. 
Specifies the cut of the inner bevel. 
Specifies the control's bevel style. 
Specifies the cut of the outer bevel. 
Specifies the width of the inner and outer bevels. 
Specifies the width of the control's border. 
Specifies the TCanvas object that presents a drawing surface for the control. 
Specifies a text string that identifies the control to the user. 
Specifies the index of the column that contains the selected cell. 
Specifies the number of columns in the grid. 
Describes the display attributes and field bindings of the columns. 
Indicates the width (in pixels) of all the columns in the grid. 
Helps the data-aware grid manage its link to the data source and respond to data events. 
Determines the width (in pixels) of all columns that have not been explicitly resized. 
Indicates whether the cells in the data-aware grid are drawn automatically. 
Determines whether the Cells are painted when the grid is drawn. 
Specifies the height (in pixels) of all rows that have not been explicitly resized. 
Specifies the default window procedure for the windowed control. 
Specifies whether the control uses the Windows icon font when writing text. 
Specifies whether the control is being dragged normally or for docking. 
Determines whether the current cell can be edited. 
Specifies the background color of the fixed rows and columns in the grid. 
Specifies the number of columns on the left of the grid that cannot be scrolled. 
Specifies the number of rows on the top of the grid that cannot be scrolled. 
Specifies the height of the grid in pixels. 
Specifies the width (in pixels) of the lines that separate the cells of the grid. 
Specifies the width of the grid in pixels. 
Indicates the current position of the mouse cursor. 
Indicates the index of the first column in the grid that contains data. 
Designates the edit control the grid uses to allow users to edit the contents of the selected cell. 
Determines whether a form stores its form-specific properties to a stream. 
Counts the number of times BeginLayout has been called without an EndLayout or CancelLayout call. 
Specifies the index of the first visible scrollable column in the grid. 
Indicates whether the control has "captured" mouse events. 
Determines whether control uses parent's theme background. 
Specifies whether the control uses its parent's BiDiMode
Specifies the index of the row that contains the selected cell. 
Specifies the number of rows in the grid. 
Gives the height (in pixels) of all rows in the grid. 
Reflects which attributes of the control have been scaled. 
Specifies whether the grid includes horizontal and vertical scroll bars. 
Specifies a set of bookmarks for all the records in the dataset that correspond to rows selected in the grid. 
Indicates the boundaries of the current selection. 
Indicates whether the user can tab to specified columns in the grid. 
Contains a text string associated with the control. 
Describes the font used to draw the column titles in the grid. 
Specifies the index of the first visible scrollable row in the grid. 
Counts the number of times BeginUpdate is called without a corresponding call to EndUpdate
Indicates the number of scrollable columns visible in the grid. 
Indicates the number of scrollable rows visible in the grid. 
Accumulates mouse wheel rotations. 
Provides access to a window handle for the control. 
Contains the text string of the control. 
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