RAD Studio VCL Reference
TInvokeableVariantType Members Protected Methods
Protected Methods
Responds when the caller acquires a reference to this object's interface. 
Responds when the caller releases a reference to this object's interface. 
Invokes a method call by dispatching it to the appropriate TInvokeableVariantType method. 
Fixes up dispatch identifier. 
Indicates whether the left argument to a binary operation should be coerced to a different type. 
Indicates the type to which a System::Variant value must be cast to make it Automation-compatible. 
Returns a reference to a specified interface if the object supports that interface. 
Generates a system error that indicates an invalid cast. 
Generates a system error indicating an invalid dispatch attempt. 
Generates a system error indicating an invalid operation. 
Indicates whether the right argument to a binary operation should be coerced to a different type. 
Clears a TVarData record by re-initializing it. 
Performs a simple block copy of one TVarData record to another. 
Performs a cast from one System::Variant type to another. 
This is the overview for the VarDataCastTo method overload. 
Performs a cast to a System::Variant type of varOleStr
Clears the data from a built-in System::Variant type. 
Copies the data from one built-in System::Variant type to another. 
Copies the data from one built-in System::Variant type to another. 
Creates a TVarData record to represent a Unicode string. 
Creates a TVarData record to represent a string. 
Initializes a TVarData record. 
Indicates whether a TVarData record represents the data from a System::Variant array. 
Indicates whether a TVarData record stores its data indirectly. 
Indicates whether a TVarData record represents an unassigned optional parameter. 
Indicates whether a TVarData record represents a floating-point value. 
Indicates whether a TVarData record represents a numeric value. 
Indicates whether a TVarData record represents a ordinal value. 
Indicates whether a TVarData record represents a string (normal or Unicode). 
Returns a string that represents the value from a TVarData record. 
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