RAD Studio VCL Reference
UnicodeString Members Public Methods
Public Methods
Frees an instance of System::UnicodeString
Get string's data in bytes. 
Indicates the kind of byte that occupies specified position in System::UnicodeString
Returns a pointer to the underlying string System::UnicodeString::data as const wchar_t*. 
Appends to value of System::UnicodeString, given format string and its arguments. 
Appends result of given format string and its arguments to end of System::UnicodeString
Appends the result of given format string and its arguments to end of System::UnicodeString
Gets code page of a System::UnicodeString
Compares the System::UnicodeString to another specified string case-sensitively. 
Compares System::UnicodeString to another specified string case insensitively. 
Converts a currency value to its string representation. 
Converts currency value to its string representation using indicated float format convention. 
Returns a pointer to the underlying string System::UnicodeString::data. 
Removes specified number of characters from string. 
Gets element size of data in a System::UnicodeString
Ensure that string contains Unicode data
Returns string representation of floating-point value. 
Formats output using a resourced format string. 
Formats string assembled from System::UnicodeString, format, and array arguments. 
Formats floating-point value given by value using format string given by format
Inserts specified string into System::UnicodeString
Converts number into string containing the number's hexadecimal (base 16) representation. 
Returns true if the specified character matches any character in delimiters string. 
Indicates if System::UnicodeString is empty. 
Tests if element is lead surrogate. 
Indicates if specified character is a path delimiter. 
Tests if element is trail surrogate. 
Returns pointer to last character in System::UnicodeString
Returns index of rightmost character that matches any character in delimiters string. 
Returns length in characters of System::UnicodeString
This is the overview for the LoadStr method overload. 
Loads string from compiled resources of specified module. 
Returns lower-case version of System::UnicodeString
Returns character index at which specified substring begins. 
Sets value of System::UnicodeString instance, given format string and its arguments. 
Gets reference count of System::UnicodeString
Changes character length of System::UnicodeString
Sets value of System::UnicodeString, given format string and its arguments. 
Returns string with specified number of characters. 
Returns specified substring of System::UnicodeString
Swaps System::UnicodeString with another string. 
Returns System::UnicodeString::UnicodeString data as const char*. 
Converts string to floating-point value. 
Converts string to integer, throwing exception if string is invalid. 
Converts string to integer, returning default value if string is invalid. 
Returns new System::UnicodeString without leading spaces, trailing spaces, or control characters. 
Returns new System::UnicodeString without leading spaces or control characters. 
Returns new System::UnicodeString without trailing spaces or control characters. 
This is the overview for the UnicodeString constructor overload. 
Makes System::UnicodeString instance unique. 
Returns upper-case version of System::UnicodeString
Sets value of System::UnicodeString given format string and its arguments. 
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