RAD Studio VCL Reference
TStringBuilder Members Public Methods
Public Methods
This is the overview for the Append method overload. 
Appends a number of objects to the current character array in this TStringBuilder instance. 
This is the overview for the AppendLine method overload. 
Copys a part of the instance character array into a destination string. 
This is the overview for the Create constructor overload. 
Sets the Capacity property to the supplied value, if the new capacity is larger than the old capacity. 
Compares the character array in the Chars property, the Capacity property, and the MaxCapacity property of this instance to that of a supplied TStringBuilder instance. 
This is the overview for the Insert method overload. 
Removes a substring from the character array of this instance. 
This is the overview for the Replace method overload. 
This is the overview for the ToString method overload. 
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