RAD Studio VCL Reference
TSimpleDataSet Members Public Properties
Public Properties
Lists the maintained aggregates supported by the current index. 
Contains any aggregate fields. 
Provides access to the interface the client dataset uses to communicate with a provider. 
Determines how many record buffers are read in each block. 
Indicates whether the first record in the dataset is active. 
Specifies the current bookmark in the dataset. 
Indicates whether the dataset permits write access to data. 
Indicates the number of changes in the change log. 
Indicates the client dataset (if any) with which this client dataset shares data. 
Specifies the interface reference implemented by the component. 
Indicates the number of components owned by the component. 
Indicates the position of the component in its owner's Components property array. 
Lists all components owned by the component. 
Describes the current state of the component, indicating when a component needs to avoid certain actions. 
Governs the behavior of the component. 
Specifies a connection broker that handles the connection to an application server. 
Represents the data of the client dataset in a transportable format. 
Indicates the persistent TDataSetField object that owns a nested dataset. 
Indicates the TDataSetField component that represents this client dataset. 
Indicates the number of bytes required to represent the Data property. 
Represents the data source of another dataset that supplies values to the dataset. 
Indicates whether a dataset's underlying field components are generated dynamically when the dataset is opened. 
Represents a packet of change log data. 
Returns a pointer to the DataSet designer for the dataset. 
Contains information used by the Form designer. 
Indicates whether a dataset is positioned at the last record. 
Indicates the number of field components associated with the dataset. 
Points to the list of field definitions for the dataset. 
Lists the field components of a dataset. 
Lists all non-aggregate field components of the dataset. 
Provides access to the values for all fields in the active record for the dataset 
Indicates whether or not moving to a different record is successful. 
Indicates the depth of grouping support provided by the current index. 
Indicates whether the client dataset is connected to a provider. 
Indicates the number of fields that make up the current index. 
Specifies the fields associated with the current index. 
Indicates whether the dataset is unidirectional. 
Specifies the upper and lower boundaries for a range. 
Specifies the number of fields to use when conducting a partial key search on a multi-field key. 
Indicates the size of the current key used for the dataset. 
Indicates whether to maintain a change log separate from the data. 
Indicates whether the active record is modified. 
Indicates the component that is responsible for streaming and freeing this component. 
Specifies the name of a provider component that supplies data to and applies updates from the client dataset.. 
This is Ranged, a member of class TCustomClientDataSet. 
Indicates the active record in the dataset. 
Indicates the total number of records associated with the dataset. 
Indicates the size of a record in the dataset. 
Specifies the connection component that this client dataset uses to connect to an application server. 
Represents the current state of edits when logging changes. 
Determines whether a unique TField object is created for each element of an array field. 
Indicates the current operating mode of the dataset. 
Filters the client dataset so that it exposes only those records with a specific update status. 
Represents information used internally by components that support COM. 
Represents the data of the client dataset in XML. 
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