RAD Studio VCL Reference
TCustomServerSocket Members Protected Events
Protected Events
Occurs on server sockets just after the connection to a client socket is accepted. 
Occurs when a client socket completes a connection accepted by the server socket. 
Occurs when one of the connections to a client socket is closed. 
Occurs when there is a failure in establishing, using, or terminating the socket connection to an individual client socket. 
Occurs when the server socket should read information from a client socket. 
Occurs when the server socket should write information to a client socket. 
Occurs on client sockets just after the connection to the server is opened. 
Occurs for a client socket after the server socket has been located, but before the connection is established. 
Occurs just before a client socket closes the connection to a server socket. 
Occurs when the socket fails in making, using, or shutting down a connection. 
Occurs when the server socket needs to create a new TServerClientWinSocket object to represent the server endpoint of a connection to a client socket. 
Occurs when the server socket needs to create a new execution thread for a connection to a client socket. 
Occurs just before a server socket is opened for listening. 
Occurs when a client socket is about to look up the server socket with which it wants to connect. 
Occurs when a client socket should read information from the socket connection. 
Occurs when a client socket connection is terminated and the associated thread finishes execution. 
Occurs when the execution thread for a connection to a client socket starts up. 
Occurs when a client socket should write information to the socket connection. 
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