RAD Studio VCL Reference
TWebBrowser Members Published Events
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Occurs immediately before the Web browser navigates to a new resource. 
This is OnClientToHostWindow, a member of class TWebBrowser. 
Occurs when the ability to execute certain TWebBrowser methods changes. 
Occurs when the document being navigated to reaches ReadyState_Complete. 
Occurs when the Web browser starts downloading a document. 
Occurs when a navigation operation finishes, is halted, or fails. 
Occurs when the user drops an object being dragged. 
Occurs when the user drags an object over a control. 
Occurs when the dragging of an object ends, either by dropping the object or by canceling the dragging. 
Occurs when a control receives the input focus. 
Occurs when the input focus shifts away from one control to another. 
This is OnFileDownload, a member of class TWebBrowser. 
Not used in TWebBrowser
Not used in TWebBrowser
Occurs immediately after the Web browser successfully navigates to a new location. 
This is OnNavigateError, a member of class TWebBrowser. 
Occurs when a new, hidden, non-navigated Web browser window is needed. 
This is OnPrintTemplateInstantiation, a member of class TWebBrowser. 
This is OnPrintTemplateTeardown, a member of class TWebBrowser. 
This is OnPrivacyImpactedStateChange, a member of class TWebBrowser. 
Occurs when the progress of a download operation is updated. 
Not used in TWebBrowser
Not used in TWebBrowser
This is OnSetSecureLockIcon, a member of class TWebBrowser. 
Occurs when the user begins to drag the control or an object it contains by left-clicking on the control and holding the mouse button down. 
Not used in TWebBrowser
Not used in TWebBrowser
Not used in TWebBrowser
Occurs when the title of a document in the WebBrowser control becomes available or changes. 
Not used in TWebBrowser
This is OnUpdatePageStatus, a member of class TWebBrowser. 
Occurs when the Web browser window is about to be shown or hidden. 
This is OnWindowClosing, a member of class TWebBrowser. 
This is OnWindowSetHeight, a member of class TWebBrowser. 
This is OnWindowSetLeft, a member of class TWebBrowser. 
This is OnWindowSetResizable, a member of class TWebBrowser. 
This is OnWindowSetTop, a member of class TWebBrowser. 
This is OnWindowSetWidth, a member of class TWebBrowser. 
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