RAD Studio VCL Reference
IHelpSystemFlags Members Public Methods
Public Methods
Increments the reference count for this interface. 
Decrements the reference count for this interface. 
Query support for Table of Contents. 
Use Context ID to display topic. 
Use Topic ID to display topic. 
Return Help Strings that match a keyword. 
This is GetUseDefaultTopic, a member of class IHelpSystemFlags. 
Return string identifying Help Viewer. 
Save Viewer's numeric ID. 
Returns a reference to a specified interface if the object supports that interface. 
This is SetUseDefaultTopic, a member of class IHelpSystemFlags. 
Show a specific Help topic. 
Show a Table of Contents. 
Permanent Viewer shut down. 
Temporary Viewer shut down. 
Queries the Help Viewer if it understands the given Context ID. 
Would respond to a keyword-based Help request. 
Queries the Help Viewer if it understands the given Topic. 
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