RAD Studio VCL Reference
TPen Members Protected Methods
Protected Methods
Copies the properties of an object to a destination object. 
Generates an OnChange event when the properties of the graphics object change. 
Provides an interface for a method that reads and writes otherwise unpublished data. 
This is GetColor, a member of class TPen. 
This is GetHandle, a member of class TPen. 
Returns the owner of an object. 
This is GetStyle, a member of class TPen. 
This is GetWidth, a member of class TPen. 
Blocks other execution threads from using the associated canvas until the Unlock method is called. 
This is SetColor, a member of class TPen. 
This is SetHandle, a member of class TPen. 
This is SetMode, a member of class TPen. 
This is SetStyle, a member of class TPen. 
This is SetWidth, a member of class TPen. 
Releases the lock on execution threads set by the Lock method. 
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