RAD Studio VCL Reference
TImageList Members Published Properties
Published Properties
Sets the number of images by which the image list grows when it needs to make room for new images. 
Determines which background color to use when drawing an image. 
Determines which foreground color to use when drawing an image. 
Color depth of images in list. 
Specifies the style to be used when the image list is drawing an image. 
Specifies the height of images within the image list. 
Determines whether the image list uses the associated mask when drawing. 
Specifies whether the image list includes masks that can be combined with the images. 
Specifies the name of the component as referenced in code. 
Specifies whether the image list destroys its handle when the image list is destroyed. 
Stores an integer value as part of a component. 
Specifies the width of all images within the image list. 
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