RAD Studio VCL Reference
TRichEdit Members Public Properties
Public Properties
Designates the action associated with the control. 
Indicates child control realignment disabled. 
Specifies the bounding rectangle of the control, expressed in the coordinate system of the parent control. 
Determines the color and pattern used for painting the background of the control. 
Indicates whether the edit control contains changes that can be backed out. 
Indicates the position of the caret in the client area of the memo. 
Specifies the height of the control's client area in pixels. 
Specifies the screen coordinates (in pixels) of the top left corner of a control's client area. 
Specifies the size (in pixels) of a control's client area. 
Specifies the horizontal size of the control's client area in pixels. 
Specifies the interface reference implemented by the component. 
Indicates the number of components owned by the component. 
Indicates the position of the component in its owner's Components property array. 
Lists all components owned by the component. 
Describes the current state of the component, indicating when a component needs to avoid certain actions. 
Governs the behavior of the component. 
Returns the number of child controls. 
Lists all child controls. 
Indicates the current state of a control at runtime. 
Determines style characteristics of the control. 
Describes the rich text characteristics of the default font for the rich edit control 
Specifies the class of the TConversion object that is used to convert between native file format and the internal format of a rich text control when working with files that do not have a registered extension. 
Contains information used by the Form designer. 
Specifies the number of controls that are docked on the windowed control. 
Lists the controls that are docked to the windowed control. 
Specifies the control's docking manager interface. 
Specifies how the control is docked relative to other controls docked in the same parent. 
Specifies whether the control can be the target of drag-and-dock operations. 
Determines whether the control's image is rendered directly to the window or painted to an in-memory bitmap first. 
Specifies the explicit vertical size of the control in pixels. 
Specifies the explicit horizontal pixel coordinate of the left edge of a component relative to its parent. 
Specifies the explicit vertical pixel coordinate of the top edge of a component relative to its parent. 
Specifies the explicit horizontal size of the control in pixels. 
Indicates whether the control is floating. 
Specifies the class of the temporary control that hosts the control when it is floating. 
Provides access to the underlying Windows screen object for the control. 
Specifies the control in which the control is docked. 
Specifies the width of the control when it is docked horizontally. 
Indicates whether the user edited the text of the edit control. 
Indicates whether the mouse pointer is currently in the client area of the control. 
Indicates the component that is responsible for streaming and freeing this component. 
Specifies the padding of a control. 
Specifies the dimensions, in pixels, of the logical page size used when printing the contents of a rich text edit control. 
Specifies the formatting information for the current paragraphs. 
Indicates the parent of the control. 
ParentDoubleBuffered defers the DoubleBuffered property of this component to the value of the parent's DoubleBuffered property. 
Reference to parent's underlying control. 
Describes the rich text characteristics of the selected text in the rich edit control. 
Specifies the number of characters (bytes) that are selected. 
Specifies the position of the first selected character in the text. 
Specifies the selected portion of the edit control's text. 
Indicates whether the control is showing on the screen. 
Specifies the height of the control when it is docked vertically. 
Contains a text string associated with the control. 
A hint or message to be displayed when the Text property is empty. 
Specifies the height of the control when it is floating. 
Specifies the width of the control when it is floating. 
Specifies whether the docking manager is used in drag-and-dock operations. 
Represents information used internally by components that support COM. 
Specifies the number of visible controls that are docked on the windowed control. 
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