RAD Studio VCL Reference
Frees any property values that are objects and sets their value to nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++). 
Returns the value of a component property that is of AnsiString type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is of AnsiString type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a dynamic array type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a dynamic array type. 
Returns the name of a Delphi enumerated type constant given its value. 
Returns the value of a component property that is an enumerated type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is an enumerated type. 
Returns the value of an enumerated type constant given its string representation. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a float type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a float type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is an Int64 type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is an Int64 type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is an interface type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is an interface type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a method type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a method type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is an object type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is an object type. 
Returns the class type of a component property that is an object type. 
Returns the class type of a component property that is an object type. 
Returns the class type of a component property that is an object type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is an ordinal type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is an ordinal type. 
Retrieves information about a component's property. 
Retrieves information about a component's property. 
Retrieves information about a component's property. 
Retrieves information about a component's property. 
Retrieves a list of component properties. 
Retrieves a list of component properties. 
Retrieves a list of component properties. 
Retrieves a list of component properties. 
Returns the name of a component property identified by a given PPropInfo
Retrieves a component's property value as a variant. 
Retrieves a component's property value as a variant. 
Returns the string representation of a given constant. 
Returns the integer representation of a given constant identified by it's name. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a set type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a set type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a string type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a string type. 
Returns a pointer to information about a type. 
Returns the name of the type from it's type information record. 
Returns the value of a component property that is of UnicodeString type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is of UnicodeString type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a variant type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a variant type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a WideString type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a WideString type. 
Determines if a specified component property is a published property. 
Determines if a specified component property is a published property. 
Determines if a specified component property has the stored attribute. 
Determines if a specified component property has the stored attribute. 
Determines if a component property is of a particular data type. 
Determines if a component property is of a particular data type. 
Retrieves a component's property type. 
Retrieves a component's property type. 
Checks whether the two given property names are equal. 
Sets the value of a component property that is of AnsiString type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is of AnsiString type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a dynamic array type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a dynamic array type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is an enumerated type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is an enumerated type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a float type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a float type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is an Int64 type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is an Int64 type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is an Interface type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is an Interface type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a method type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a method type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is an object type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is an object type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is an ordinal type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is an ordinal type. 
Sets the value of a component property using a variant value. 
Sets the value of a component property using a variant value. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a set type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a set type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a string type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a string type. 
Returns one or more of the set values of a component's property. 
Sets the value of a component property that is of UnicodeString type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is of UnicodeString type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a variant type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a variant type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a WideString type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a WideString type. 
Sorts a list of component properties into alphanumeric sequence. 
Returns a bit mask of set values for a set type component property. 
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