RAD Studio VCL Reference
Attempts to load IBInstall.DLL into memory if it is not already loaded. 
Attempts to load GDS32.DLL into memory if it is not already loaded. 
Frees the IBInstall.DLL from memory. 
Frees the GDS32.DLL from memory. 
Returns the major version number of the InterBase client. 
This is function IBIntf.isc_decode_sql_date_stub. 
This is function IBIntf.isc_decode_sql_time_stub. 
This is function IBIntf.isc_decode_timestamp_stub. 
This is function IBIntf.isc_encode_sql_date_stub. 
This is function IBIntf.isc_encode_sql_time_stub. 
This is function IBIntf.isc_encode_timestamp_stub. 
This is function IBIntf.isc_install_clear_options_stub. 
This is function IBIntf.isc_install_execute_stub. 
This is function IBIntf.isc_install_get_info_stub. 
This is function IBIntf.isc_install_get_message_stub. 
This is function IBIntf.isc_install_load_external_text_stub. 
This is function IBIntf.isc_install_precheck_stub. 
This is function IBIntf.isc_install_set_option_stub. 
This is function IBIntf.isc_install_unset_option_stub. 
This is function IBIntf.isc_rollback_retaining_stub. 
This is function IBIntf.isc_service_attach_stub. 
This is function IBIntf.isc_service_detach_stub. 
This is function IBIntf.isc_service_query_stub. 
This is function IBIntf.isc_service_start_stub. 
This is function IBIntf.isc_uninstall_execute_stub. 
This is function IBIntf.isc_uninstall_precheck_stub. 
Loads IBInstall.DLL into memory. 
Loads GDS32.DLL into memory. 
This is function IBIntf.TryIBLoad. 
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