RAD Studio VCL Reference
This is function DesignIntf.CreateSelectionList. 
This is function DesignIntf.EnableDemandLoadReport. 
This is function DesignIntf.ForceDemandLoadState. 
This is function DesignIntf.PersistentToDesignObject. 
Registers an editor so that it is available at design time. 
This is function DesignIntf.RegisterComponentGuidelines. 
This is function DesignIntf.RegisterCustomModule. 
This is function DesignIntf.RegisterDesignDragObject. 
This is function DesignIntf.RegisterDesignNotification. 
This is function DesignIntf.RegisterDragTarget. 
This is function DesignIntf.RegisterIDropTarget. 
Registers multiple properties in a specific property category. 
Registers multiple properties in a specific property category. 
Registers multiple properties in a specific property category. 
Allows a component to bring up a custom property editor from the Object Inspector. 
Registers a single property in a specific property category. 
Registers a single property in a specific property category. 
Registers a single property in a specific property category. 
Registers a single property in a specific property category. 
This is function DesignIntf.RegisterPropertyMapper. 
This is function DesignIntf.RegisterSelectionEditor. 
This is function DesignIntf.SetPropertyEditorGroup. 
This is function DesignIntf.UnlistPublishedProperty. 
This is function DesignIntf.UnregisterDesignNotification. 
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