RAD Studio VCL Reference
Cancels a drag-and-drop or drag-and-dock operation that is in progress. 
This is function Controls.ChangeBiDiModeAlignment. 
Returns the name of the predefined constant that corresponds to a cursor. 
Returns the AnsiString representation of a cursor. 
This is function Controls.DragDone. 
Returns the windowed control (Windows) or widget (cross-platform) whose window is identified by the specifiedhandle or which appears at a specified position. 
Returns the control at a specified screen coordinate. 
Returns the windowed control, if any, at the specified location. 
This is function Controls.GetAlignControlList. 
Returns the control, if any, that currently receives all mouse messages. 
Passes the name of every predefined cursor constant to a callback. 
Returns the second part of a two-part hint string. 
Returns the first part of a two-part hint string. 
Translates a predefined cursor constant into a cursor. 
This is function Controls.Imm32GetCompositionString. 
This is function Controls.Imm32GetContext. 
This is function Controls.Imm32GetConversionStatus. 
This is function Controls.Imm32IsIME. 
This is function Controls.Imm32NotifyIME. 
This is function Controls.Imm32ReleaseContext. 
This is function Controls.Imm32SetCompositionFont. 
This is function Controls.Imm32SetCompositionFont. 
This is function Controls.Imm32SetCompositionWindow. 
This is function Controls.Imm32SetCompositionWindow. 
This is function Controls.Imm32SetConversionStatus. 
This is function Controls.Imm32SetOpenStatus. 
This is function Controls.InitWndProc. 
Checks the return value from a modal form dialog and indicates whether the user selected Abort or Cancel.  
Checks the return value from a modal form dialog and indicates whether the user selected All, Yes to All, or No to All.  
Indicates whether a specified object is a TDragObject descendant. 
Checks the return value from a modal form dialog and indicates whether the user selected No or No to All.  
Checks the return value from a modal form dialog and indicates whether the user selected Ok, Yes, Yes to All, or All.  
IsVCLControl returns true if a control is a VCL control. 
Changes the location of the point (0,0) within a device context. 
This is function Controls.PerformBufferedPrintClient. 
This is function Controls.PerformEraseBackground. 
Sends a Windows message to the application. 
Causes the specified control to receive all mouse messages. 
This is function Controls.SetImeMode. 
This is function Controls.SetImeName. 
Returns a TCursor value given its string representation. 
Converts a TModalResult value from a constant that refers to "all" to the corresponding simple constant. 
This is function Controls.Win32NLSEnableIME. 
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