RAD Studio VCL Reference
Represents the Windows message BM_CLICK. 
Represents the Windows message BM_GETCHECK. 
Represents the Windows message BM_GETIMAGE. 
Represents the Windows message BM_GETSTATE. 
Represents the Windows message BM_SETCHECK. 
Represents the Windows message BM_SETIMAGE. 
Represents the Windows message BM_SETSTATE. 
Represents the Windows message BM_SETSTYLE. 
Represents the Windows message BN_CLICKED. 
Represents the Windows message BN_DBLCLK. 
Represents the Windows message BN_DISABLE. 
Represents the Windows message BN_DOUBLECLICKED. 
Represents the Windows message BN_HILITE. 
Represents the Windows message BN_KILLFOCUS. 
Represents the Windows message BN_PAINT. 
Represents the Windows message BN_PUSHED. 
Represents the Windows message BN_SETFOCUS. 
Represents the Windows message BN_UNHILITE. 
Represents the Windows message BN_UNPUSHED. 
Represents the Windows message CB_ADDSTRING. 
Represents the Windows message CB_DELETESTRING. 
Represents the Windows message CB_DIR. 
Represents the Windows message CB_FINDSTRING. 
Represents the Windows message CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETCOUNT. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETCURSEL. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETDROPPEDWIDTH. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETEDITSEL. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETEXTENDEDUI. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETITEMDATA. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETITEMHEIGHT. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETLBTEXT. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETLBTEXTLEN. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETLOCALE. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETTOPINDEX. 
Represents the Windows message CB_INITSTORAGE. 
Represents the Windows message CB_INSERTSTRING. 
Represents the Windows message CB_LIMITTEXT. 
Represents the Windows message CB_MSGMAX. 
Represents the Windows message CB_RESETCONTENT. 
Represents the Windows message CB_SELECTSTRING. 
Represents the Windows message CB_SETCURSEL. 
Represents the Windows message CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH. 
Represents the Windows message CB_SETEDITSEL. 
Represents the Windows message CB_SETEXTENDEDUI. 
Represents the Windows message CB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT. 
Represents the Windows message CB_SETITEMDATA. 
Represents the Windows message CB_SETITEMHEIGHT. 
Represents the Windows message CB_SETLOCALE. 
Represents the Windows message CB_SETTOPINDEX. 
Represents the Windows message CB_SHOWDROPDOWN. 
Represents the Windows message CBN_CLOSEUP. 
Represents the Windows message CBN_DBLCLK. 
Represents the Windows message CBN_DROPDOWN. 
Represents the Windows message CBN_EDITCHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message CBN_EDITUPDATE. 
Represents the Windows message CBN_ERRSPACE. 
Represents the Windows message CBN_KILLFOCUS. 
Represents the Windows message CBN_SELCHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message CBN_SELENDCANCEL. 
Represents the Windows message CBN_SELENDOK. 
Represents the Windows message CBN_SETFOCUS. 
Represents the Windows message DM_GETDEFID. 
Represents the Windows message DM_REPOSITION. 
Represents the Windows message DM_SETDEFID. 
Represents the Windows message EM_CANUNDO. 
Represents the Windows message EM_CHARFROMPOS. 
Represents the Windows message EM_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER. 
Represents the Windows message EM_FMTLINES. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETHANDLE. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETIMESTATUS. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETLIMITTEXT. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETLINE. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETLINECOUNT. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETMARGINS. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETMODIFY. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETPASSWORDCHAR. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETRECT. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETSEL. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETTHUMB. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETWORDBREAKPROC. 
Represents the Windows message EM_LIMITTEXT. 
Represents the Windows message EM_LINEFROMCHAR. 
Represents the Windows message EM_LINEINDEX. 
Represents the Windows message EM_LINELENGTH. 
Represents the Windows message EM_LINESCROLL. 
Represents the Windows message EM_POSFROMCHAR. 
Represents the Windows message EM_REPLACESEL. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SCROLL. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SCROLLCARET. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SETHANDLE. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SETIMESTATUS. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SETLIMITTEXT. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SETMARGINS. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SETMODIFY. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SETREADONLY. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SETRECT. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SETRECTNP. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SETSEL. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SETTABSTOPS. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SETWORDBREAKPROC. 
Represents the Windows message EM_UNDO. 
Represents the Windows message EN_CHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message EN_ERRSPACE. 
Represents the Windows message EN_HSCROLL. 
Represents the Windows message EN_KILLFOCUS. 
Represents the Windows message EN_MAXTEXT. 
Represents the Windows message EN_SETFOCUS. 
Represents the Windows message EN_UPDATE. 
Represents the Windows message EN_VSCROLL. 
Represents the Windows message LB_ADDFILE. 
Represents the Windows message LB_ADDSTRING. 
Represents the Windows message LB_DELETESTRING. 
Represents the Windows message LB_DIR. 
Represents the Windows message LB_FINDSTRING. 
Represents the Windows message LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETANCHORINDEX. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETCARETINDEX. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETCOUNT. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETCURSEL. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETITEMDATA. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETITEMHEIGHT. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETITEMRECT. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETLOCALE. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETSEL. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETSELCOUNT. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETSELITEMS. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETTEXT. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETTEXTLEN. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETTOPINDEX. 
Represents the Windows message LB_INITSTORAGE. 
Represents the Windows message LB_INSERTSTRING. 
Represents the Windows message LB_ITEMFROMPOINT. 
Represents the Windows message LB_MSGMAX. 
Represents the Windows message LB_RESETCONTENT. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SELECTSTRING. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SELITEMRANGE. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SELITEMRANGEEX. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SETANCHORINDEX. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SETCARETINDEX. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SETCOLUMNWIDTH. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SETCOUNT. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SETCURSEL. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SETITEMDATA. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SETITEMHEIGHT. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SETLOCALE. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SETSEL. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SETTABSTOPS. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SETTOPINDEX. 
Represents the Windows message LBN_DBLCLK. 
Represents the Windows message LBN_ERRSPACE. 
Represents the Windows message LBN_KILLFOCUS. 
Represents the Windows message LBN_SELCANCEL. 
Represents the Windows message LBN_SELCHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message LBN_SETFOCUS. 
Represents the Windows message PSM_PAGEINFO. 
Represents the Windows message PSM_SHEETINFO. 
Represents the Windows message SBM_ENABLE_ARROWS. 
Represents the Windows message SBM_GETPOS. 
Represents the Windows message SBM_GETRANGE. 
Represents the Windows message SBM_GETSCROLLBARINFO. 
Represents the Windows message SBM_GETSCROLLINFO. 
Represents the Windows message SBM_SETPOS. 
Represents the Windows message SBM_SETRANGE. 
Represents the Windows message SBM_SETRANGEREDRAW. 
Represents the Windows message SBM_SETSCROLLINFO. 
Represents the Windows message WM_ACTIVATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_ACTIVATEAPP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_APP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_APPCOMMAND. 
Represents the Windows message WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CANCELJOURNAL. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CANCELMODE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CAPTURECHANGED. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CHANGECBCHAIN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CHANGEUISTATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CHAR. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CHARTOITEM. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CHILDACTIVATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CLEAR. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CLOSE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_COALESCE_FIRST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_COALESCE_LAST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_COMMAND. 
Represents the Windows message WM_COMMNOTIFY. 
Represents the Windows message WM_COMPACTING. 
Represents the Windows message WM_COMPAREITEM. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CONTEXTMENU. 
Represents the Windows message WM_COPY. 
Represents the Windows message WM_COPYDATA. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CREATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CTLCOLOR. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CTLCOLORBTN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CTLCOLORDLG. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CTLCOLOREDIT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CUT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DDE_ACK. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DDE_ADVISE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DDE_DATA. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DDE_EXECUTE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DDE_FIRST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DDE_INITIATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DDE_LAST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DDE_POKE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DDE_REQUEST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DDE_TERMINATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DDE_UNADVISE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DEADCHAR. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DELETEITEM. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DESTROY. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DEVICECHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DEVMODECHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DISPLAYCHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DRAWITEM. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DROPFILES. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DWMCOLORIZATIONCOLORCHANGED. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DWMCOMPOSITIONCHANGED. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DWMNCRENDERINGCHANGED. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DWMWINDOWMAXIMIZEDCHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_ENABLE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_ENDSESSION. 
Represents the Windows message WM_ENTERIDLE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_ENTERMENULOOP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_ERASEBKGND. 
Represents the Windows message WM_EXITMENULOOP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_EXITSIZEMOVE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_FONTCHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_GETDLGCODE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_GETFONT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_GETHOTKEY. 
Represents the Windows message WM_GETICON. 
Represents the Windows message WM_GETMINMAXINFO. 
Represents the Windows message WM_GETOBJECT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_GETTEXT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_GETTEXTLENGTH. 
Represents the Windows message WM_HANDHELDFIRST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_HANDHELDLAST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_HELP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_HOTKEY. 
Represents the Windows message WM_HSCROLL. 
Represents the Windows message WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD. 
Represents the Windows message WM_ICONERASEBKGND. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_CHAR. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_COMPOSITION. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_CONTROL. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_KEYDOWN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_KEYLAST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_KEYUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_NOTIFY. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_REQUEST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_SELECT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_SETCONTEXT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION. 
Represents the Windows message WM_INITDIALOG. 
Represents the Windows message WM_INITMENU. 
Represents the Windows message WM_INITMENUPOPUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_INPUT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_KEYDOWN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_KEYFIRST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_KEYLAST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_KEYUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_KILLFOCUS. 
Represents the Windows message WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK. 
Represents the Windows message WM_LBUTTONDOWN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_LBUTTONUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MBUTTONDOWN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MBUTTONUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MDIACTIVATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MDICASCADE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MDICREATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MDIDESTROY. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MDIGETACTIVE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MDIICONARRANGE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MDIMAXIMIZE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MDINEXT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MDIREFRESHMENU. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MDIRESTORE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MDISETMENU. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MDITILE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MEASUREITEM. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MENUCHAR. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MENUCOMMAND. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MENUDRAG. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MENUGETOBJECT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MENURBUTTONUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MENUSELECT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MOUSEACTIVATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MOUSEFIRST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MOUSEHOVER. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MOUSELAST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MOUSELEAVE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MOUSEMOVE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MOUSEWHEEL. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MOVE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MOVING. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCACTIVATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCCALCSIZE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCCREATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCDESTROY. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCHITTEST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCLBUTTONUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCMBUTTONUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCMOUSEHOVER. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCMOUSELEAVE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCMOUSEMOVE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCPAINT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCRBUTTONUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCXBUTTONDBLCLK. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCXBUTTONDOWN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCXBUTTONUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NEXTDLGCTL. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NEXTMENU. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NOTIFY. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NOTIFYFORMAT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NULL. 
Represents the Windows message WM_PAINT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD. 
Represents the Windows message WM_PAINTICON. 
Represents the Windows message WM_PALETTECHANGED. 
Represents the Windows message WM_PALETTEISCHANGING. 
Represents the Windows message WM_PARENTNOTIFY. 
Represents the Windows message WM_PASTE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_PENWINFIRST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_PENWINLAST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_POWER. 
Represents the Windows message WM_POWERBROADCAST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_PRINT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_PRINTCLIENT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_QUERYDRAGICON. 
Represents the Windows message WM_QUERYENDSESSION. 
Represents the Windows message WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_QUERYOPEN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_QUERYUISTATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_QUEUESYNC. 
Represents the Windows message WM_QUIT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK. 
Represents the Windows message WM_RBUTTONDOWN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_RBUTTONUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_RENDERALLFORMATS. 
Represents the Windows message WM_RENDERFORMAT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SETCURSOR. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SETFOCUS. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SETFONT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SETHOTKEY. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SETICON. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SETREDRAW. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SETTEXT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SETTINGCHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SHOWWINDOW. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SIZE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SIZECLIPBOARD. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SIZING. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SPOOLERSTATUS. 
Represents the Windows message WM_STYLECHANGED. 
Represents the Windows message WM_STYLECHANGING. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SYSCHAR. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SYSCOMMAND. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SYSDEADCHAR. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SYSKEYDOWN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SYSKEYUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SYSTEMERROR. 
Represents the Windows message WM_TABLET_FIRST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_TABLET_LAST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_TCARD. 
Represents the Windows message WM_THEMECHANGED. 
Represents the Windows message WM_TIMECHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_TIMER. 
Represents the Windows message WM_UNDO. 
Represents the Windows message WM_UNICHAR. 
Represents the Windows message WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_UPDATEUISTATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_USER. 
Represents the Windows message WM_USERCHANGED. 
Represents the Windows message WM_VKEYTOITEM. 
Represents the Windows message WM_VSCROLL. 
Represents the Windows message WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD. 
Represents the Windows message WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED. 
Represents the Windows message WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING. 
Represents the Windows message WM_WININICHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE. 
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