RAD Studio VCL Reference
ESocketError is the exception class for failures that occur when trying to create, use, or shut down Windows socket objects. 
TAbstractSocket is the abstract base class for all socket components. 
TClientSocket manages socket connections for a TCP/IP client. 
TClientWinSocket describes the client endpoint of a Windows socket connection. 
TCustomServerSocket is the base class for all server socket components. 
TCustomSocket is the base class for socket components. 
TCustomWinSocket is the base class for all Windows socket objects. 
This is class ScktComp.TServerAcceptThread. 
TServerClientThread is an execution thread used for a single connection to a client socket accepted by a Windows server socket. 
TServerClientWinSocket describes the server endpoint of a socket connection to a client socket. 
TServerSocket manages server socket connections for a TCP/IP server. 
TServerWinSocket describes the endpoint of a listening server socket connection. 
TWinSocketStream is a stream that provides services which allow applications to read from or write to socket connections. 
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