RAD Studio VCL Reference
Adds or changes parameters for a Borland Database Engine (BDE) driver.
procedure ModifyDriver(Name: string; List: TStrings);
__fastcall ModifyDriver(AnsiString Name, TStrings List);
Call ModifyDriver to change the parameters for a specified BDE database driver. Name is the name of the driver to modify. List is a string list object previously populated with parameter values to add or change. An application must create and maintain List.
Populate List with parameter strings before calling ModifyDriver. List need only contain the parameters to change. If ModifyDriver passes a parameter for which a value already exists, the new parameter replaces the existing one. New parameters that are not yet defined for the driver are added to the existing parameters. If List is empty, ModifyDriver does not change any existing parameters.
A session's ConfigMode property determines whether a driver is local to the session, or is available to all applications in the BDE persistent store as long as any BDE clients are active. To save a driver permanently, call the SaveConfigFile method before ending the session.
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