RAD Studio VCL Reference
IXMLNode Members

The following tables list the members exposed by IXMLNode.

This is the overview for the AddChild method overload. 
Creates a copy of this node and returns its interface. 
Adds an attribute to the node that declares a specified namespace URI. 
Returns the attribute node that declares a specified Namespace URI. 
Returns the namespace URI for a namespace prefix or qualified tag name. 
Returns the value of one of this node's attributes. 
Returns the value of the AttributeNodes property. 
Returns the value of a specified attribute. 
Returns the value of the ChildNodes property. 
Returns the value of a specified child node. 
Returns the value of the Collection property. 
Returns the value of the DOMNode property. 
Indicates whether the node has any child nodes. 
Indicates whether the node has a single text value. 
Returns the name of the node without any namespace prefix. 
Returns the namespace URI for the node's qualified name. 
Returns the name of the node. 
Returns the type of the node. 
Returns the value of the node. 
Returns the interface for the document in which this node appears. 
Returns the interface for the node's parent node. 
Returns the namespace prefix from the node's name. 
Returns the value of the ReadOnly property. 
Returns the text value of the node. 
Returns the value of the XML property. 
This is the overview for the HasAttribute method overload. 
Returns the next child of this node's parent. 
Converts the subtree beneath this node to the structure it would have if it were just loaded from a document. 
Returns the previous child of this node's parent. 
Forces all child nodes and attribute nodes to be reread from the underlying DOM implementation. 
Sets the value of one of this node's attributes. 
Sets the value of one of this node's attributes when you must explicitly specify the attribute's namespace. 
Sets the value of a specified child node. 
Sets the value of this node. 
Specifies whether the node can be modified. 
Sets the text value of the node. 
This is the overview for the TransformNode method overload. 
Lists the interfaces for nodes that represent attributes of this node. 
Represents the values of this node's attributes. 
Represents the child nodes of the node. 
Represents the values of this node's child nodes. 
Indicates the collection in which this node appears. 
Provides access to the IDOMNode interface for this node. 
Indicates whether this node has any child nodes. 
Indicates whether the node has a single text value. 
Indicates the name of the node without any namespace prefix. 
Identifies the URI for the namespace used in the qualified node name. 
Indicates the node name. 
Indicates the type of the node. 
Specifies the value of this node. 
Identifies the document in which this node appears. 
Identifies the interface of the node's parent node. 
Identifies the namespace prefix of the node's name. 
Specifies whether the node can be modified. 
Represents the Text of the node. 
Indicates the XML that corresponds to the subtree rooted at this node. 
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