Welcome to ER/Studio Data Architect® 10.0.0

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Read Me Last Updated: Sept 10th, 2014. Any updates to these Read Me notes will be available at docs.embarcadero.com.

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Thank you for using Embarcadero ER/Studio Data Architect, previously known as ER/Studio, the award-winning data modeling application for logical and physical database design and construction. ER/Studio Data Architect's (ER/Studio DA) powerful, multi-level design environment addresses the everyday needs of database administrators, developers and data architects who build and maintain large, complex database applications.

ER/Studio DA's progressive interface and processes have been logically organized to effectively address the ease-of-use issues that have plagued data modeling tools for the past decade. The application facilitates your ability to create, understand and manage the mission-critical database designs within an enterprise. It offers strong logical design capabilities, bidirectional synchronization of logical and physical designs, automatic database construction, accurate reverse engineering of databases, and powerful HTML-based documentation and reporting facilities. Before you use ER/Studio, please read the information below.

See the most recent documentation at Embarcadero's Web site, http://www.embarcadero.com/resources/documentation.html.

WHAT'S NEW in 10.0.0

New 64 bit Version
Hive DB Support
MongoDB Support
Sax Basic updated

Release Notes

Important Installation Notes

Important Release Advisory

Bug Fixes

Known Issues

Upgrade Instructions

Upgrading from ER/Studio Portal to Team Server Core

Upgrades for ER/Studio Repository 6.7 users

Upgrades for version of ER/Studio Repository prior to 6

Additional Resources

Embarcadero Technologies Technical Support

What's New in 10.0.0

New 64 bit Version
ER/Studio Data Architect and ER/Studio Repository now run as a native 64-bit application. Separate installers let you choose between 32-bit and 64-bit applications. You must be using 64-bit versions of DBMS platform drivers when using the 64-bit version of ER/Studio Data Architect.

Hive DB Support
As part of the increasing support for big data platforms, this release provides native support for reverse-engineering Hive 0.12 and 0.13.

MongoDB Support
As part of the expanded platform support and to enable better visibility into metadata for unstructured data formats (including a notation to show nested data hierarchies that is unique to ER/Studio), this release provides native support for MongoDB 2.4 and 2.6.

Sax Basic updated
Version 10 of Sax Basic, now called WinWrap basic, has been upgraded to the latest version. This update includes all the latest features and updated documentation.

Release Notes

Important Installation Notes

Important Release Advisory

ER/Studio Portal is no longer supported by ER/Studio Data Architect. Most functionality formerly provided by ER/Studio Portal is now provided by ER/Studio Team Server. Users that formerly used the Repository tab to browse the portal can use a Web browser instead.

Bug Fixes

Use your browser Find feature to locate a particular bug number.

Bugs Fixed in ER/Studio DA 10.0.0

ERS-16201 The Macro Editor now works properly with the Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library.
ERS-16441 Reserved words in SQL Server extended properties are no longer automatically quoted.
ERS-22313 The Compare Wizard no longer quotes numeric values when generating DDL for sub-partitions.
ERS-22864 Performance saving large files has been greatly improved.
ERS-23207 SQL Server tables that have an apostrophe in the name are now properly reverse-engineered.
ERS-23417 The Edit button is now enabled in the Data Lineage tab of the popup column editor.
ERS-23442 The "Data Lineage Import from Excel" macro has been updated.
ERS-23458 The "Import Reference Values from Excel" macro now imports reference values with numeric names.
ERS-23463 It is now possible to set a TINYINT column to UNSIGNED using the automation interface.
ERS-23465 New indexes in the Generic DBMS platform are no longer created as unique.
ERS-23526 The MappedObjectName automation property now returns physical names when appropriate.
ERS-23534 Subtypes in .erwin files are now imported properly.
ERS-23562 The Report Wizard now remains stable when generating a report with the Attribute/Column Properties option checked.
ERS-23512 Check-in of a Repository model no longer adds duplicate attributes after Compare and Merge.
ERS-23684Differences are no longer reported incorrectly for attributes with the Numeric datatype
ERS-23703Width field is no longer changed incorrectly when Domains with Numeric datatype are used
ERS-23689ER/Studio no longer hangs when importing some ERwin files containing foreign key loops
ERS-23706ER/Studio is no longer unstable when dragging attributes between entities in very large models

Known Issues

ERS-23001Performance issues can occur when navigating and editing tables in models that have a large amount of relationships.
ERS-23675MongoDB JSON objects are not fully supported in Automation Interface.
ERS-23677References to Tables/Columns mixed with Collections/Fields in MongoDB physical models.
ERS-23678Reverse engineering from MongoDB can create incorrect results when multiple fields have the same name.
ERS-23791Compare/Merge fails to properly merge MongoDB objects in some cases.

Upgrade Instructions

Upgrading from ER/Studio Portal to Team Server Core

For detailed instructions on upgrading to Team Server, see the Upgrade Notes.

Upgrades for ER/Studio Repository 6.7 users

Keep the following in mind when updating for this release:

Upgrades for version of ER/Studio Repository prior to 6

Use the following checklist to ensure ER/Studio Repository is correctly upgraded.

Upgrade Checklist

Important Notes

Preparing to Upgrade the Repository

  1. Ensure you have backed up all your .dm1 files.
  2. Check in all your diagrams and objects. Note: If you try to check in a file from the previous version with the same name as a current file, the current file will become corrupted.
  3. Rename all local copies of Repository diagrams in the active file directory as follows:
  4. Ensure no one is logged into the Repository.
  5. Backup the current Repository database.
  6. Restart the Repository host computer.

Upgrading the Repository

Note: This procedure is for ER/Studio Enterprise installations only, which include the Repository. When you upgrade ER/Studio Data Architect you must also upgrade ER/Studio Repository to correspond with the same build date as ER/Studio Data Architect.

  1. Log on to Windows with local administrator privileges.
  2. Start the Repository installation program and select Repair Repository Services. The installation program starts the following services:

The Repository services and your existing database will be upgraded to the current version.

Note: If you are upgrading from a Repository version prior to 4.0, you can delete the C:\Program Files\Embarcadero\Repository\Data directory. This directory is not used with Repository versions 4.0 and later.

Embarcadero Technologies Technical Support

If you have a valid maintenance contract with Embarcadero Technologies, our Support team will assist you with any problems you have with our applications. Our maintenance contract also entitles registered users of Embarcadero Technologies products to download free software upgrades during the active contract period.

Evaluators receive free technical support for the term of their evaluation. To download evaluations of Embarcadero Technologies products go to www.embarcadero.com.

To contact Support, go to http://www.embarcadero.com/support.