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you for using IDERA ER/Studio Data Architect, previously known as ER/Studio,
the award-winning data modeling application for logical, and physical database
design and construction. ER/Studio Data Architect's (ER/Studio DA) powerful,
multi-level design environment addresses the everyday needs of database
administrators, developers, and data architects who build and maintain large,
complex database applications.
ER/Studio DA's progressive interface and processes have been
logically organized to effectively address the ease-of-use issues that
have plagued data modeling tools for the past decade. The application
facilitates your ability to create, understand, and manage the mission-critical
database designs within an enterprise. It offers strong logical design
capabilities, bidirectional synchronization of logical and physical designs,
automatic database construction, accurate reverse engineering of databases, and
powerful HTML-based documentation and reporting facilities. Before you use
ER/Studio, please read the information below.
See the most recent documentation at the IDERA Web site,
WHAT'S NEW in version 19.1.1
There are no new features in this release but there are a number
of fixed issues.
WHAT'S NEW in version 19.1
Adds support for multiple Oracle 12c and later
Adds support for multiple Oracle 11g and later
WHAT'S NEW in version 19.0.1
Supports additional features for SQL Server
Temporal Tables
Allows users to switch between open files
Adds the Universal Mappings button to the
Repository ribbon
Adds the Diagram Properties button to the
Model ribbon
Adds quotation marks to the Field Names
when generating the database JSON
WHAT'S NEW in version 19.0
Supports Azure Active Directory Password
authentication method
Allows users to log in to Team Server when
logging into Repository
Supports the ‘relates to’ relationship between
Business Terms and Objects
Supports the ‘where’ clause for SQL Server
filtered index
Supports the ‘Columnstore’
index for SQL Server
Supports Spatial Indexes for SQL Server and
Azure SQL DB
Allows users to define table and index
compression for SQL Server
Allows users to model temporal tables in SQL
Supports extended properties for SQL Server
Tables and Columns
Allows users to generate MongoDB model output as
plain JSON
Supports Azure Synapse Analytics
Supports Inheritance Relationships for
Allows TLS between Data Architect and Repository
Release Notes
Upgrade Instructions
Upgrading from
ER/Studio Portal to Team Server
Upgrades for ER/Studio Repository
Upgrades for version
of ER/Studio Repository prior to 2016
Additional Resources
What's New in Version 19.1.1
are no new features in this release but there are a number of fixed issues. For a recent list of known issues and bug
fixes in this release, see
What's New in Version 19.1
Adds support for multiple Oracle 12c and later
ER/Studio Data Architect 19.1 includes support for the following
features in Oracle 12c and later:
tables. External tables allow Oracle to query data stored outside of the
database in flat files. Use the Table Editor option to designate an external
table and gain access to the External Table Properties dialog for further
definition of the table. For more information about this feature, see Defining
Table Storage: Oracle 12c and Later Storage Options.
varchar size units as BYTE or CHAR for physical models. For more
information about this feature, see Defining
Model Options for the Selected Model and Generating
a Physical Data Model.
Subpartitioning by RANGE. Range partitioning
distributes data based on a given range, as in time intervals and allows you to
easily add new data while purging older data. For more information about this
feature, see Subpartition Editor.
columns. Identity columns allow you to auto-increment values each time
you add a row. You can set only those columns having a Data Type of Number as
identity columns, and you may have only one Identity column per table. For more
information about this feature, see Creating
and Editing Columns: Datatype tab.
support for multiple Oracle 11g and later features
ER/Studio Data Architect 19.1 includes support for the following
features in Oracle 11g and later:
partitioning. Interval partitioning automatically partitions a database at
specified intervals when new data added to the table exceeds all of the
specified range partitions to avoid insert failures. Use the Partition tab of
the Table Editor to set what interval is in use. For more information on this
feature, see Partitioning
a Table: Table Partition Options for Oracle.
partitioning. Reference partitioning allows you to partition two tables that
are related based on an existing parent-child relationship. You can manage
partition keys and types on the Partition tab of the Table Editor. For more
information on this feature, see Partitioning
a Table: Table Partition Options for Oracle.
Supports additional features
for SQL Server Temporal Tables
ER/Studio Data Architect 19.0.1 includes additional support for
SQL Server Temporal Tables, allowing users to designate in-memory tables and
have Data Architect check whether the columns are suitable as not all datatypes
are supported for in-memory. For more information about this feature, see Microsoft
SQL Server Table Storage Options.
Allows users
to switch between open files
This release includes the addition of the Switch Windows button in the Diagram
ribbon. This button allows the user to switch and view each of the different
open files.
the Universal Mappings button to the Repository ribbon
The new Universal Mappings
button on the Repository ribbon
allows users to create links between objects across models, which are visible
in the Where Used tab of Objects and in Team Server Core.
the Diagram Properties button to the Model ribbon
The new Diagram Properties
button on the Model ribbon allows
users to easily set properties for the diagram file.
quotation marks to the Field Names when generating the database JSON
New options allow users to select how the plain JSON output is
generated from MongoDB-specific content. For more information about this
feature, see MongoDB
JSON Generation.
What's New in Version 19.0
Azure Active Directory Password authentication method
This version of ER/Studio Data
Architect supports Azure Active
Directory – Password as an authentication method in Azure SQL Database
available in the following scenarios:
engineering objects from Azure SQL Database with a direct connection.
In the Authentication field of the
Reverse Engineering Wizard, select the Azure
Active Directory – Password option. For more information about this
feature, see Reverse
Engineering an Existing Database.
engineering to Azure SQL Database using a direct connection.
In the Authentication field of the
DDL Generation Wizard, select the Azure
Active Directory – Password option. For more information about this
feature, see Generating
a Script File or Database.
with a live database for Azure SQL Database using a direct
In the Authentication field of the
Compare and Merge Utility, select the Azure
Active Directory – Password option. For more information about this
feature, see Using
the Compare and Merge Utility.
Allows users to log in to Team Server when
logging into Repository
The separate Repository and Team
Server login menu buttons and dialog boxes now are combined, allowing users to
optionally connect to Repository and Team Server at the same time. The single Log In button opens a dialog box that
includes areas for both components. For more information about this feature,
see Logging
In and Out of the Repository and ER/Studio TS.
Supports the ‘relates to’ relationship between
Business Terms and Objects
ER/Studio Data Architect now allows
association between business terms in Team Server and objects in Data Architect
by using the relates to
relationship. Objects that support this capability include Entity, Table,
Attribute Column, and Domain. For more information about this feature, see the
What’s New topic Supports
the 'relates to' relationship between Business Terms and Objects.
Supports the ‘where’ clause for SQL Server and
Azure SQL DB filtered index
ER/Studio Data Architect now
supports the where clause for SQL
Server 2008+ and Azure SQL DB filtered index. For more information about this
feature, see Microsoft
Access, Azure SQL DB, and SQL Server Index Options.
Supports the ‘Columnstore’
index for SQL Server
ER/Studio Data Architect now
supports the Columnstore
index for SQL Server 2012+. For more information about this feature, see Microsoft
Access, Azure SQL DB, and SQL Server Index Options.
Supports Spatial Indexes for SQL Server and
Azure SQL DB
The new Spatial tab in the ER/Studio
Data Architect Index Editor allows users to configure geo-spatial indexes for
SQL Server 2012+ and Azure SQL DB platforms. For more information about this
feature, see Spatial
Allows users to define table and index
compression for SQL Server
This version of ER/Studio Data
Architect allows users to define table and index compression for SQL Server and
Azure SQL DB platforms. The Compression option
allows you to choose from row or page compression types when using compression
and the On Partitions options lets
you specify which partitions are affected. For more information about these
features, see Microsoft
SQL Server Table Storage Options and Microsoft
SQL Server Index Storage Options.
Allows users to model temporal tables in SQL
The ability for users to model
temporal tables for SQL Server 2016 and later is now included in ER/Studio Data
Architect. The System Versioning
Properties feature allows you to select between anonymous or a named
History Table when using temporal tables. For more information about this
feature, see Microsoft
SQL Server Table Storage Options.
Supports extended properties for SQL Server
Tables and Columns
The new Extended Properties tab
exists for SQL Server Tables and Columns to manage a list of extended properties.
You can add, edit, and delete property values and descriptions. For more
information about this feature, see Extended
Properties tab Table options and Extended
Properties tab Column options.
ER/Studio Data Architect now
supports SQL Server 2019 database platform. For more information about
supported databases, see Supported
Database Platforms.
ER/Studio Data Architect now supports
MySQL 8.0 database platform. For more information about supported databases,
see Supported
Database Platforms.
Allows users to generate MongoDB model output
as plain JSON
Users now can use the Output as plain JSON checkbox to remove
all MongoDB-specific constructs when generating a database for a MongoDB model.
This option removes MongoDb constructs such as ObjectId()
and instead a generic JSON is generated. For more information about this
feature, see MongoDB
JSON Generation.
Supports Azure Synapse Analytics
ER/Studio Data Architect now
supports Azure Synapse Analytics. For more information about supported
databases, see Supported
Database Platforms.
Supports Inheritance Relationships for
This release of ER/Studio Data
Architect add support for Inheritance Relationships for PostgreSQL. The Inherits checkbox in the Properties tab
is enabled only for Identifying Relationships. When this option is checked, all
other properties on the Properties tab are unavailable (greyed out). For
information about creating a new inheritance relationship, see Creating
a New Inheritance Relationship.
Allows TLS between Data Architect and
This version of ER/Studio Data
Architect allows you to use TLS between Data Architect and Repository. For more
information about this feature, see How
to Specify Repository Ports.
Supports WITH CTE for SQL Server 2005+, Azure
SQL DB, and Azure Synapse Analytics
ER/Studio now supports the WITH common table expression on Views
for SQL Server 2005 and later, Azure SQL DB, and Azure Synapse Analytics. You
can use a CTE clause in a CREATE VIEW statement as part of its defining SELECT
statement. Note that you can apply multiple CTEs to a view and that CTEs can be
recursive. For more information about this feature, see Creating
and Editing Database View With (CTE) tab.
To ensure compatibility
with ER/Studio Repository synchronization, this version of ER/Studio Data
Architect requires ER/Studio Repository (Team Server) version 19.1 or later for
all Repository operations.
ER/Studio Portal is no longer supported by ER/Studio Data
Architect. Most functionality formerly provided by ER/Studio Portal is now
provided by ER/Studio Team Server. Users that formerly used the Repository
tab to browse the portal can use a Web browser instead.
License Enforcement
When working with the Repository, all users must use the same
license type. ER/Studio now enforces this by marking the Repository as an
Enterprise Team Edition Repository when a user with an Enterprise Team Edition
license logs in. Subsequent log in attempts by users with a non-Team Edition
license will not be allowed
For a recent list of
known issues and bug fixes in this release, see
Upgrade Instructions
Upgrading from
ER/Studio Portal to ER/Studio Team Server
For detailed instructions on upgrading to Team Server, see Install
or Upgrade Team Server and Repository.
Upgrades for ER/Studio Repository users
To use the repository with this release, you will need to be
running ER/Studio Repository (Team Server) 19.0 or later.
Upgrades for
version of ER/Studio Repository prior to 2016
is now installed as part of Team Server. To upgrade an earlier version of
Repository, please see About
Team Server and Repository Upgrade.
All IDERA products include a 14-day trial period. To continue
using the product without interruption, we recommend that you license it as
soon as possible. For information on licensing your product, refer to the Quick
Start Guide. If you have not yet purchased this product, contact
The IDERA Web site is an excellent source for additional product
information, including white papers, articles, discussion forums, and the IDERA
Knowledge Base. Visit,
or click any of the links below, to find:
If you have a valid maintenance contract with IDERA, the Technical
Support team is available to assist you with any problems you have with our
applications. Our maintenance contract also entitles registered users of IDERA
products to download free software upgrades during the active contract period.
Evaluators receive free technical support for the term of their evaluation (14
We encourage you to open technical support cases via the Customer Support Center. For
additional information about IDERA Technical Support, visit the Support section of our Web site.
To download evaluations of other IDERA products or to learn more
about our company and our products visit us at