Welcome to DBArtisan® XE 3 and DBArtisan® 9.1

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ReadMe Last Published: April 2, 2012. Any updates to these notes will be available at http://docs.embarcadero.com.

Thank you for using Embarcadero DBArtisan, the award winning DBA tool for enterprise-wide database administration. DBArtisan empowers you to manage all of your critical databases running on current versions of Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Sybase ASE, and IBM DB2 across the UNIX, Linux, Windows NT and mainframe z/OS operating systems, from a single, consistent, user-friendly interface. Before you use DBArtisan, please read the information below.

What's New in Version 9.1/XE 3

Sybase IQ Support

Connectivity Updates

DBMS Version Updates

SQL Editor Updates

Database Monitor Updates

Updated support for Microsoft SQL Server features

Updated support for Sybase features

User interface improvements

DBMS Support and Connectivity

Dedicated Support Connectivity Options

DBMS Versions No Longer Supported

Release Notes

Known Issues

Bug Fixes

Additional Resources

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What's New in Version 9.1/XE 3

Sybase IQ Support

This release introduces support for Sybasse IQ, Sybase's column-oriented DBMS. This release will offer the following:

Connectivity Updates

In previous releases, DBArtisan connectivity was primarily restricted to native Embarcadero drivers. These proprietary drivers, packaged with DBArtisan, work in conjunction with a supported set of third-party clients that must be installed. While this remains the default, the Datasource Registration wizard now features a new Connect Using JDBC control that lets you specify a more direct connection that does not require a native client.

One or more Type 4 JDBC drivers for each supported platform are now packaged with DBArtisan.

DBArtisan queries the selected driver to determine the properties, options, or parameters that the Type 4 JDBC driver accepts. The Datasource Registration Wizard’s new Custom JDBC Properties panel lets you provide these name/value pairs.

DBMS Version Updates

DBArtisan now provides support for Sybase ASE version 15.5. All current DBArtisan functionality is now available on this platform version.

SQL Editor Updates

This release includes the following updates to the SQL Editor

Database Monitor Updates

Against Oracle datasources, the Database Monitor now offers a Long Operations tab. This tab shows statistics and status information from the Oracle V$SESSION_LONGOPS view. The primary criterion for inclusion of an operation oin the V$SESSION_LONGOPS view is an operation duration of six seconds or more.

Updated support for Microsoft SQL Server features

SQL Server currency updates for this release include:

Updated support for Sybase features

Sybase currency updates for this release include:

User interface improvements

This release continues the reworking of object editors and wizards. Aimed at improving workflow and the user interface experience, the new editors and wizards are being reworked for consistency. The following object editors/wizards were upgraded for this release:



DBArtisan provides dedicated connectivity to a specific version range of IBM DB2 for Linux, Unix, and Windows, IBM DB2 for z/OS, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, and Sybase databases. The following connectivity options are provided:

The following table provides a summary of resources/requirements for connectivity to dedicated DBMS platforms. For each platform, it lists supported versions, the client software that must be installed if using native Embarcadero clients, and the third-party, Type 4 JDBC drivers packaged with DBArtisan.

DBMS Platform Supported Versions Client Required for use with native Embarcadero drivers Packaged JDBC Driver
IBM DB2 for z/OS v8 and v9 DB2 UDB Client for Windows 8.0 or later IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC
IBM DB2 for LUW Versions 8.0 - 9.7 IBM DB2 LUW Client for Windows 8.0 or later IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC
Microsoft SQL Server 2000

2005 (All editions including 2000 SDE and 2005 Express Edition for 32-bit x86 and 64-bit Itanium & x86-64)


Microsoft SQL Server Client Library jTDS Type 4 JDBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver

MySQL 4.x MySQL ODBC driver 3.5.1 - MySQL ODBC driver 4.x. MySQL Connector/J JDBC Driver
Oracle Oracle 9i, 10g, and 11g Oracle SQL*Net Client Oracle JDBC Thin Driver
Sybase ASE Sybase System 12.5 - Sybase 15.5 Sybase Open Client jTDS Type 4 JDBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Server

Sybase jConnect JDBC Driver

Sybase IQ 12.7 - 15.4 Sybase jConnect JDBC Driver for Sybase IQ


As of this release, DBArtisan is no longer tested against Oracle 8i.

Release Notes


  • Running Schema Migration against an Oracle table can cause DBArtisan to crash if the table has a large number of records and Data Copy is used as the Data Movement option. Against a table with fewer records, a java.lang.NullPointer exception may be thrown.
  • The current version of DBArtisan does not support the MySQL ODBC client that shipped with previous versions of DBArtisan. If DBArtisan crashes after connecting to a MySQL data source:
    1. Close DBArtisan.
    2. Uninstall the older MySQL ODBC client.
    3. Restart DBArtisan and try connecting to a MySQL datasource. You are prompted to install the MySQL client drivers.
    4. Follow the installation instructions to install the new driver.
  • Note that when debugging a procedure against an Oracle data source, DBartisan performs a compilation before debugging. During a compilation, Oracle invalidates referencing objects. For example, if procedures A2 and A3 both reference procedure A1, debugging procedure A1 in DBArtisan, will result in procedures A2 and A3 being invalidated.
  • In some situations the Database Monitor may prompt to connect to an already connected datasource if auto-connect is not enabled for that datasource
  • DBArtisan installs the incorrect stored procedures for Capacity Analyst for a Sybase 15 database. Please refer to this Knowledge Base article: www.embarcadero.com/jive/entry.jspa?externalID=1030&caID=2
  • For servers running on Sybase version 12.5.3a, the CREATE ENCRYPTION KEY and DECRYPT permissions do not display properly--they'll be shown as null. See Sybase's document CR392544 ("sp_helpprotect does not show privileges related to encryption keys."). This has been fixed in ASE version 12.5.3a/ESD#1 (now available as a download) and ASE version 12.5.4.
  • When you are using the Debugger:
  • The BCP (bulk copy) data movement option is disabled for cross-platform migration. In addition, to use the BCP in a Sybase-to-Sybase migration, the user must be logged in as System Administrator *or* the "select into/bulkcopy/pllsort" database option must be true on the target catalog. If this option is "false" on the target catalog, BCP will not appear as a data movement option for non-system users.
  • Schema migration jobs created in earlier versions of DBArtisan that were saved with a .migrate file extension must be re-created in DBArtisan 8.1 or later. Only migration jobs with a .sav extension can be reused.
  • DBArtisan is currently unable to create table names, column names, and check constraint names longer than 18 characters on an OS390 mainframe database.
  • On SQL Server 2005, the Browser component is disabled by default. With this service disabled, in DBArtisan you cannot reference SQL Server instances by name, only by port number. If you want the ability to reference SQL Server instances by name, you must enable this service on the server.

    Bugs Fixed in DBArtisan 9.1/XE 3
    Issue # Description DBMS
    DBA-12705 [8.5.0#3529] - Change the interval of the Database Monitor per Database monitor and not for all All
    DBA-15086 DBArtisan is crashing during a search All
    DBA-17807 After a successful package compile, the main right pane refreshes the object status but the left Explorer pane does not, please make this consistent All
    DBA-17991 DBArtisan gives error: OciTypeBinder-Cannot convert type to stream for xmltype column when user runs query against the table in ISQL window All
    DBA-18746 [Schema Extraction][Format action]The Format action is wrong performed in the result of Schema Extraction on MS SQL and Sybase datasources All
    DBA-19172 DBArtisan is not able to keep setting change at File->Options->Editor->Syntax Color > Property->White Space->Background Color All
    DBA-20659 Change Colour of Blank space before SQL code All
    DBA-22315 Viewing the Print Preview of the query results display appears to be removing the Query tab All
    DBA-22396 The Generate Report topic needs to be updated, the Command dialog is not valid anymore All
    DBA-23981 [UI][Tools] Some main menu child-items appear to be disabled or unavailable uppon first item-list expansion if the "Menu animations" option is set to something other than "None" All
    DBA-24123 [Explorer][Filters] User created Filter fails to Filter objects when View by Object Owner is selected All
    DBA-24595 [Database Search] When using a File based datasource catalog the datasources are displayed incorrectly from the registries All
    DBA-24733 [Connectivity] The dsuri.xml file is causing connection issues when Change Manager and DBArtisan are on the same workstation All
    DBA-25652 [ISQL] Nested comments are't colored correctly , only the first end of comment is taken in consideration All
    DBA-26498 [SQL Editor][Code Assist] When typing alias and then selecting multiple fields, it includes the alias with the first select field but not the others All
    DBA-26553 [Tools] ception is added when selecting the column of an object with code complete enabled. All
    DBA-26714 TS[Script Execution]:Headings and first record are in the same row for CSV format All
    DBA-26799 [Application][ISQL] Incorrect value is set for the coloring and folding option when launching Avalon and restoring settings All
    DBA-26970 [Foreign Key creation wizard] Column Selection sort is not functioning All
    DBA-26999 [Problem Report] Crash when pressing File menu when running application for the first time All
    DBA-17847 [Database Objects] Only the properties and container tabs are enabled when opening up a tablespace or table object. DB2
    DBA-17993 For DB861 - The Files:>Options:>Results:>Format:>Enable Locale reference doesn't seem to function. DB2
    DBA-20908 Syntax error. Parser not recognizing DB2 TABLE function. DB2
    DBA-24042 [Performance Analyst] Program Unable to perform lexical cast error in output window when clicking on Home, Memory, I/O, etc in Performance Analyst DB2
    DBA-24079 [TableSpaces] Incorrect data is displayed in Space tab of DB2 tablespaces, for tablespaces created on multiple database partitions . DB2
    DBA-24845 [ISQL] Code complete is not working when editing a script having a 9.7 DB2 client installed DB2
    DBA-24715 [Schema Extraction][View Definition] Schema Extraction and object DDL Definition view can't parse argument number for a stored procedure DB2
    DBA-25107 [DBMS Object Management] "for bit data" as part of the column definition in a stored procedure not recognized DB2
    DBA-26713 SQL Parsing issue when attempting to create a stored procedure. DB2
    DBA-26733 [Analyst]Viewing Tablespaces in Space Analyst shows a Script Error "Object does not support this property or method" DB2
    DBA-26766 [Tablespace Max Size]Increasing the Max size of a tablespace to more than 1 GIG will result in a negative MAXSIZE value DB2
    DBA-27411 [SQL Editor] Null values were eliminated from the argument of a column function. DB2
    DBA-26473 [Explorer][Tables] Error is raised on populating the tables node under databases on zOS version 8 DB2 z/OS
    DBA-12293 Code Collapse not folding code in correct blocks Oracle
    DBA-13760 Update script that ran in DB815 no longer executes in DB850 Oracle
    DBA-14054 Pasting a large number of INSERT or UPDATE statements (18,000 or more) into an ISQL session pegs the CPU and makes any further edits impossible Oracle
    DBA-14563 Running script with 29000 Oracle grant statements maxes memory out. This script and scripts up to 55000 lines run fine in DB812 Oracle
    DBA-14792 DBMS output options does not allow to over ride the buffer size Oracle
    DBA-15020 Space Utilization is displaying a negative SIZE for INDEX Oracle
    DBA-23298 [Capacity Analyst]When installing CA, error occurs Capacity Analyst Repository does not exist on this server ORA-24344: success with compilation Oracle
    DBA-24023 [SQL Editor][Error line reporting] Editor error reporting pane fails to show line number of error Oracle
    DBA-24161 [Analysts] Error with date time in Capacity Planning Oracle
    DBA-24213 [Reorganize] In offline mode reorganize on the same table space should be possible Oracle
    DBA-24348 [Materialized Views] Extracted SQL doesn't produce the same result as DDL tab Oracle
    DBA-24737 [Stored Procedure] the editor doesn't keep the extra white lines added Oracle
    DBA-25412 [SQL Editor][Results] When saving query results as file format PPE, CSV, or TXT, the [NULL] is replaced by || or spaces Oracle
    DBA-25741 TS: [Results] Product crashes when sorting a VARCHAR column Oracle
    DBA-25758 [DBMS Actions] Extract of same user in Oracle 11 provides different results using same Oracle client. Oracle
    DBA-26292 [SQL Editor] LobEditor does not show contents Oracle
    DBA-26546 TS :[SQL EDITOR] Cannot Save or Save As a Query Plan Oracle
    DBA-26705 [Application]Slow performance opening ROLEs, compared to previous 815 release with 2-3 minutes in opening object Oracle
    DBA-26798 TS: "Use OMF" option is no longer available for datafiles in the tablespace editor Oracle
    DBA-26853 No progress bar when reogranizing tables Oracle
    DBA-26996 TS : [Schema extraction] When extracting a table, the LOB STORE AS statement is incomplete Oracle
    DBA-27176 [Schema Migration] Migrate operation fails when retaining a reference to a tablespace Oracle
    DBA-27423 [Capacity Analyst] When opening the Capacity Analyst, error "ORA-24347: Warning of a NULL column in an aggregate function" is written to the output message window. Oracle
    DBA-14638 Database search doesn't return table name while searching within views with certain JDBC drivers - error Ljava.lang.String SQL Server
    DBA-21511 Paste over highlighted text does not work correctly in database editor window SQL Server
    DBA-21802 Running update stats on a database causes a java heap space error SQL Server
    DBA-22178 After click on "Find Next" to search for string the 2nd time in the result set tab, DBArtisan hangs SQL Server
    DBA-23346 When writing a cursor and running it, application automatically inserts a blank line between results SQL Server
    DBA-25417 [Extract] Application crashes when extracting some objects on a clean machine SQL Server
    DBA-25518 [Procedure] - Comment in /* */ inside the ddl disappeared after a stored procedure was created in an ISQL window SQL Server
    DBA-26811 TS: DBArtisan crashes while scrolling down Top Sql Cache in Monitor for SQL Server 2008 R2 SQL Server
    DBA-27088 [Analysts] Cannot execute collection when database collations are different. SQL Server
    DBA-7051 DB80: Does not handle nested comments correctly , same for Rapid 7.3 Sybase
    DBA-9034 In the segment wizard, it should only show the device fragments belonging to the current database and not for all devices on the server Sybase
    DBA-12508 'Default type' drop down in the table editor is displaying 'SUSER_SNAME' instead of 'SUSER_NAME' Sybase
    DBA-12452 DBA8.5.0 Build#3537: An Inappropriate 'Help page' is displayed on clicking 'Help' button for objects editor 'Set online, Checkpoint , Move Log ' for 'Database editor' in Sybase ASE 15.0 datasource Sybase
    DBA-13114 Results window will not allow you to select a part of a cell of data Sybase
    DBA-16977 When viewing results with tabs and newlines will sometimes show a little square box. Sybase
    DBA-22439 [Explorer] Explorer column headings intermittently disappear requiring user to refresh the view Sybase
    DBA-22719 [Editor] [Code assist] Content assist does not populate the list of columns when JOIN syntax exists in statement Sybase
    DBA-23345 [Extract] Incorrect SQL extract for logins that are bounded to an execution class Sybase
    DBA-23636 [Estimate Size] Estimated Table size is truncated for a table with over 150 million rows Sybase
    DBA-26285 [Table][Datatype] Unable to change column datatype when Identity Column option is selected Sybase
    DBA-26390 [Editor]Datatypes fail to be correctly highlighted in SQL Editor Sybase
    DBA-26745 [Tables] Create insert statements not working correctly on Interbase and Oracle Sybase
    DBA-26763 [Registration] Host is not found when registering a sybase datasource from SQL.ini file Sybase
    DBA-26801 Sybase Default Isolation levels Sybase
    DBA-27000 [Table][Column ALTER] Error when adding column, Cannot have both a default value and a default object bound to a column Sybase
    DBA-27101 [DBMS Object Management] Need to use third argument to specify when renaming index when a column with same name exists. Sybase
    DBA-27134 [Datasource Combo] Datasource combo doesn't get enabled when disconnecting from the server after the connection was forcibly killed Sybase
    DBA-27252 nvarchar column sizes are not properly calculated in the DDL View tab Sybase
    DBA-27278 Turn off SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON/OFF in adhoc DDL Extract Sybase
    DBA-27481 Default Row Count Option not limiting rows in results Sybase

    Additional Resources

    Licensing Your Embarcadero Technologies Product

    All Embarcadero Technologies products include a 14-day trial period. To continue using the product without interruption, we recommend that you license it as soon as possible. For information on licensing your product, refer to the DBArtisan Installation Guide. If you have not yet purchased your Embarcadero Technologies product, contact [email protected], or [email protected] for sales in the EMEA region.

    Embarcadero Technologies Product Support

    The Embarcadero Technologies Web site is an excellent source for additional product information, including white papers, articles, discussion forums, and the Embarcadero Knowledge Base. Visit www.embarcadero.com/support, or click any of the links below, to find:

    Embarcadero Technologies Technical Support

    If you have a valid maintenance contract with Embarcadero Technologies, the Embarcadero Technical Support team is available to assist you with any problems you have with our applications. Our maintenance contract also entitles registered users of Embarcadero Technologies products to download free software upgrades during the active contract period. Evaluators receive free technical support for the term of their evaluation (14 days).

    We encourage you to open technical support cases via the Technical Support request form. For additional information about Embarcadero Technologies Technical Support, visit the Support section of our Web site.

    Embarcadero Technologies on the Web

    To download evaluations of other Embarcadero Technologies products or to learn more about our company and our products visit us at www.embarcadero.com.